Login failed for user

  • Guys,

    I have been troubleshooting this error and I still having my SQL DB down...I cannot give the SQL services a domain user, when want to chang eto Network services it give me WMI Protocol Error.

    Please I need help on this..who any one had this before pleae let me know how it was fixed...I have been workaround but nothing change.

    Thank you in advance.

  • Go to Surface Area confiiguration, and check what is the remote connection protocal, make sure it is TCP/IP.

    Then go to Service configuration, network protocol configurations> ensure the TCP/IP are enabled for the server itself and the native client.

    If u changed any above options from disable to enable, Restart the SQL service so that the changes will take effect.

  • Thank you, but I already done it, and the same error.

    I am attaching the error I am receiving. The worst part is that it does not allow me to change log on user on services. is running with local system.

    Thank you.

  • Sorry, I misunderstood your issue. I thought you couldn't connect to the server through domain.

    So, it is about your SQL services. You mean, now your SQL service is Up and running, but running with local systems. And what you want to achieve is to change the service account as some domain account. Right? I am a little confused, you said your SQL DB is down in your original pose. Is the SQL services up and running now?

  • Now it was mu fault...

    The first time when open this case was down. i found an interesting note to give me NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM grant permission, addsrvrolemember, and it ran. However it was under "local system" ...I cannot change it. I am not able to change my Log On services, and it was working clean, and smoothly.

    For some reason does not allow me to input my domain user.

    Any suggestion , please?

  • I would check to make sure the domain user has the right permission on the local server.

  • Thank you Guys, I found it was DNS issue.... I run flushdns and now is working.


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