Login failed for user ''NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM''.[CLIENT: ]

  • Can anyone offer some help on how I can clean up a login failure which is showing up my SQL Server Logs? It occurs about 4 or 5 times a minute.

    The message appears as the following:

    Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'.[CLIENT:]

    Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 16.

    From what I understand the state:16 indicates the incoming user doesn't have permissions to log into the target database. Is there any way to determine what the target database is? How can I get more info on what exactly is trying to log in?

    I haven't a clue on how I can begin to track this down.


    Bob Szymanski
    Blue Mule Software

  • Bob,

    Probably the easiest method is to run SQL Profiler against your server for a short period of time filtering on the 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' i.e. the local system account of your SQL Server, if you have no luck there grab a profile without filters and see what you can find, you shouldn't have to run it for long if it's happening so frequently. 

    You should then see what process is trying to connect.  I would assume it's a process or service running under the context of the local system account.  Backup agent, IIS, .NET service etc?

    Also have a look through your local services for any services running as 'Local System' that seem out of place


  • Bob,

    This is a clear example of Kerberos authentication being failed.  Check for configuring kerberos on your domain.

    You have a lot of documentation on support.microsoft.com for this error message.


    In casee you dont find any please let me know.


  • Thanks for your help.

    I was able to get it to stop by turning off the Reporting Services service. However, this doesn't explain why. Eventually, I am going to need to turn on Reporting Services.

    Hmmmmm, what next?

    Bob Szymanski
    Blue Mule Software

  • You will probably need to change the identity that the Reporting Services service runs under to a domain account, and then create a login in SQL Server for that account and give it permissions to the RS databases.

    Hope this helps

  • Thanks Richard, I'll give this a whirl.

    Bob Szymanski
    Blue Mule Software

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