Login Failed for user: (null)

  • This is a weird problem. Microsoft has yet to give us a diagnosis or fix... We receive the error 'Login failed for Username:(null)' when running reports from within MS CRM or from the reports server. We have tried all of the fixes that Microsoft lists on the support site for this exact error, but the thing is, most of these fixes don't apply because of the conditions in which we receive this error. This error does not occur for all users on the network. This is only occasionally, for certain users. Most of the time a restart fixes the problem for a short period of time before it comes back. All of the fixes MS lists are only if the error is network-wide. We did however, examine all of the fixes. Our SQL server 2005 instance is installed on a seperate server from our Application and Reporting Services. We are completely patched. I was just wondering if anyone else had encountered anything like this before. Thanks folks!

  • Are you using integrated or SQL security?

    Do the OS users have access to the server (a SQL Server LOGIN mapped to the Windows NT user account) and the database (database USER mapped to an appropriate SQL Server LOGIN)?


    Matija Lah, SQL Server MVP

  • Hi

    Is your reports configured within CRM pointing to an external Reporting Services Server or is it on the same server as your CRM installation?

    We initially have authentication problems with CRM and RS being on seperate servers.

    We inventigated Kerberos / NTLM etc and eventually found a solution - but I am not 100% on the details - I would have to investigate on my side.

    Let us know



  • We are using Mixed security. We have the NT account mapped. Our RS and CRM are on the same server.

  • I recall vaguely something along the lines of CRM passing user credentials to the Reporting Server.

    If you try and go direct to RS reports page versus going to Reports within CRM - is there a different result?

    I will try discuss this issue with one of the support guys that actually dealt with this problem we had and solved.

    Let us know



  • I can go directly to the reports by browsing the reportserver. Here is the thing to remember.... this is what makes it unique. It is not all workstations. All other workstation could be functioning fine, and all of a sudden one of the workstation returns this error from within CRM. But then you could restart that system, and it could work fine for a short amount of time. There aren't any consistencies.

  • The support guy with me here says he had a call open with Microsoft and he downloaded a tool for IIS relating or checking kerberos errors etc.

    The guy at Microsoft that assisted us was:

    Chaitanya Medikonduri

    Microsoft Developer support engineer

    Working Hours : 8 A.M - 5 P.M Eastern

    Phone: 425-704-2255 Extn: 36512

    Email : ChMediko@microsoft.com

    (The way I understand things is that IIS inside CRM hands security credential through to IIS inside RS and sometimes the settings between the two need to be 100% configured and able to pass these credentials between the two)

    Maybe you can get in contact with the above support engineer at Microsoft

    Let us know



  • If it is a Kerberos issue -

    Check and see if on the client, in IE, the server is in trusted sites.

    Then check the setting under Trusted sites and Intranet to see what the User Authentication is set at.

    Also verify sites under Local Intranet.

    See if these keys are set in the registry.

    Log Level helps troubleshoot, and MaxPacketSize can help with sporadic timeouts.

    Log Level also helps on the server.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




    Thanks, Greg E

  • I have made a few changes using the information you have supplied. I will try it out for a day and see what happens. Thanks!

  • Also look a the advanced options.

    Make sure windows integrated security is enabled.

    Thanks, Greg E

  • Have you checked the duration of your kerberos tickets? Can they be expiring to quickly?

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