Login failed for user 'sa'

  • can you make another sql account and give that one sysadmin ? and check if the logon works on that one ?

  • i have already tried this, sorry for not mentioning it.

    i am going to install the SP1 on it as the WMI seems to be playing up slightly.

    maybe this will solve the issue.

  • check Sa login locked out --

    1.are u able to login sa from ur laptop or ur getting same login failed 'sa' message .

    plz confirm ,

    if you are able to login as ' Sa', then login and go to security / sa login properties and select the status of " sql server authentication Locked out "

    uncheck the locked out if you found it

  • the sa login is not locked out, although i have done this accidently a couple of times through the amount of failures i was getting.

    i can login in using sa on the server when sat at it, but if i rdp to it and use SSMS or use SSMS from my laptop it does not work, and i am using the same password every time.

  • Can you post the error message for invalid login attempts appearing in SQL Error log? Be sure to include the error details such as error no, severity, level, state etc.


  • thank you all for you're however it is now resolved.

    you're not going to believe this, but when the server was set up the keyboard was left as US. this meant that the password for the users i used containing the # key were actually \. my laptop and others are configured with uk keyboard, hence why the passwords never matched.

    i thought i would be something silly like this, as i had checked, double checked and triple checked everything.

    once again thanks for all your help. 🙂

  • and how did you reconised keyboard's setting? Did you typed your 'sa' password on notepad or something?

  • well sort of

    i was remote desktopping to it and getting the same error message, which was confusing me even more as i could sit on the server and log on with no issue.

    thats when it occurred to me this could be the case, so i typed the password on notepad and #'s were \'s.

    i then tried connecting from my SSMS on the laptop using the \'s instead of #'s and it worked.

    i have now changed the settings and altered the password to what it should be!!

  • hmmm...good lesson to learn....

  • well i will always check the keyboard settings now!!!!

  • That is worth a blog post or article right there.

    How did you ultimately discover this?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • well, after half a day of checking that all the necessary protocols were enabled and on the same ports, making sure the firewall was configured and typing the password very slowly to make sure i was doing it correctly, i was stumped!! i had done all the before a million times, yet it still didnt work.

    i could only successfully connect to the database engine using the SSMS when i was physically sat in front of the database server. SSMS from my laptop couldnt connect, and even when i tried remote desktopping to the server it wouldnt work. then thats when i thought, maybe it is something to do with the password.

    i then went back and physically sat in front of the server and opened up notepad. i typed the password which contained the character #. this appeared as \ when i typed #. i then realised that it was all to do with the newly loaded server not having the keyboard reconfigured to use UK settings.

    this explained why remote desktopping didnt work either, as it took my settings from my laptop rather than the server when i was typing. when i was at the server and logged in, what i thought i was typing was example## but it was actually example\\. I had set up the sa password thinking it contained #'s, but it contained \'s.

    i thought i was typing the same password on both machines, whereas the output from my typing was different, which in turn caused the problems when connecting because the sa password stored by the server contained \'s when i thought it had stored #'s.

  • Regional keyboards are brutal. These windows admins, they'll kill you every time :hehe:

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

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