Logon error in Query Analyzer

  • I have several SQL 2000 servers, all in mixed mode, all have my domain login set up as a user account. When I login as "windows authentication" I get the

    Unable to connect to server XXXX

    login failed for user 'NTAuthority\Anonymous Logon'

    If I login with a SQL account login it lets me in. This used to work just fine, it stopped working in the last week.


  • Sounds like your not really authenticated to the domain. Can you create a windows share on the server and grant authenticated users permission to the share then attempt to map a network drive to it. If you get prompted for a username and password, your not authenticated.

    Many things can interfere with authentication. My biggest problem is the Novell client and its workstation manager. If this is loaded, the machine is not authenticating to the domain.

  • Yes I am properly authenticated on the domain. I cna attach a drive mapping ot any share. We are not running the Novell Client here on our nwtwork. THis problem just started for no reason that I can find. It was working, and now stopped for every user.

  • bizarre,

    Can you login to the domain on the SQL server box?

  • Yup, everything else works flawlessly. the funny thing is one of the servers that is affected is a domain controller.

  • Are you getting any AD replication errors on the domain controllers? I would force a AD replication see http://www.winnetmag.com/Windows/Article/ArticleID/22007/22007.html for how to do this.

  • According to the logs AD is synchronizing successfully both ways.

  • Have passwords / accounts expired?

  • By saying that user accounts have been set up, do you mean that the account has been added as a user in the databases?

    If that is the only step you have taken, you need to add the Windows NT logins to SQL server using sp_grantlogin.

    - Vani.

  • The logins have not expired, and the logins have been added to SQL server. As I stated earlier, the logins were working perfectly until about 2 weeks ago when they all of a sudden stopped working. Nothing was changed in that timeframe.

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