Long Running Analysis Services Task

  • I have a DTS package that sets an incremental filter for a cube processing task after importing and scrubbing data. Usually the entire package takes about 90 minutes to execute. For the past few weeks this package, when it completes without error, has been taking about 12 hours to complete and rarely completes without error. The errors are as follows:

    Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

    Step Error Description:Invalid clipboard format

    (Switch Management (80004005): Partition 'Switch Management' must be processed before merging)

    Step Error code: 8004006A

    Step Error Help File:sqldts80.hlp

    Step Error Help Context ID:700

    -and -

    Step Error Source: DSO

    Step Error Description:Cannot open connection to Analysis server 'MORPHEUS'.

    Timeout occurred.

    Step Error code: 80040050

    Step Error Help File:

    Step Error Help Context ID:1000440


    Step Error Source: DSO

    Step Error Description:Cannot lock object 'Terminating Card'.

    Error: Connection to the server is lost

    Verify that the Analysis server service (MSSQLServerOLAPService) is running.

    Please restart the application.

    Step Error code: 80040075

    Step Error Help File:

    Step Error Help Context ID:1000440

    These all seem to have to do with the database being tied up processing. The locking error seems to suggest that the process cube task had processed another dimension and locked the terminating card dimension.

    Now, this package always completed in a timely manner without error for over a year. However, about the time these problems developed, the network admin installed a series of updates to the Win2k Server that AS and SQL Server run on. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced similar problems after installing updates to Win2k Server? Or if I should be looking in other directions for the sudden cause of these errors?

    Thank you,


    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • Hi,

    Check option Execute on Main Pkg Thread on the workflow porperties.


  • Thank you...that option was always checked. This really has me puzzled...now it seems that the cube processing never completes no matter how long I let it run. I am going to re-install SP3 for AS today and see if that helps...

    Thank you,


    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • Also check permissions on the network.


  • Been there and done that too..lol! The package failed last night with the error:

    Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

    Step Error Description:Invalid clipboard format

    (Switch Management (80004005): Partition 'Switch Management' must be processed before merging)

    Step Error code: 8004006A

    Step Error Help File:sqldts80.hlp

    Step Error Help Context ID:700

    Everything I could find on MSDN, etc suggest either re-installing the latest service pack or re-installing AS...I will try that and see what happens and let you know. Thank you!


    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • Hi Michael,

    The error code seems to be suggesting the MS SQL OleDB driver is cuasing some issue(s). Have you done any tracing/monitoring of the DB when trying to build the cube(s) to see if select statements are even hitting the DB? Also, you thought it may be locking the DB, did you trace this to find out if it actually is/was?



  • Hey Steve,

    No, I didn't do any tracing but that is a damn fine idea...I will run that tonight. I reinstalled SP3 for AS and for SQL Server. Then I ran the package as a job and it still failed. When I process the cube from within AS, it processes fine. Now I am back to thinking it is a permissions issue...does that make sense to you?

    Thank you,


    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • Hi Michael,

    I didn't want to put that in last post, but the searches I did all raised potential (DB) security/access issues (with SQL ole db driver).

    I think that doing a trace/logging tonight (your time ) could show something up, but then again, I've known it not to 🙁

    Hope it works out



  • Steve,

    Did any of your searches produce results suggesting to re-install AS? All of mine have...well, either re-install AS or re-install the latest SP for AS. Interestingly, when I ran the package as a job this morning it failed with the Invalid Clipboard Format error again...

    Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

    Step Error Description:Invalid clipboard format

    (Switch Management (80004005): Partition 'Switch Management' must be processed before merging)

    Step Error code: 8004006A

    Step Error Help File:sqldts80.hlp

    Step Error Help Context ID:700

    Arrrrgh! M$ drives me nuts sometimes!



    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • Hi Michael,

    SOrt of left field, but maybe in line with the server chanegs you mentioned - has the long date (or short date for that matter) setting on the server changed after the sys admin applied 'his stuff' to the server? IF not, maybe a check of the regional settings and locales could be a good thing also. Only prob is if you don't know what they were set to *before* the 'upgrades' 😀

    And no, no mention of reapplication of SP or reinstall of AS.



  • Okay...the ongoing saga...well, the package completed without error last night. I also had the trace running and the cube processing was definitely accessing the data store. Still, though, the filter property of the cube processing task is not being set correctly. Weird, huh? Are we back to suspecting permissions may be the problem?



    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

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