Looking for a Good Budget Template

  • Hi,

    Does anybody know where I can find a template for Microsoft Access that would work for a departmental budget?

  • Hi,

    I don’t have a template or an application created sole in Access. What I have is an application which use Excel as a form and a database like Access or SQL-server as the database. There are I believe a lot of (home made) solutions working like this. But the hard task is to create a solution which is not hardcoded. We all know that business changes and the rules how to create the budget or prognoses changes. Different users may need their individual forms to create the budget.

    Working as a consultant for many years I have developed a solution which is “rule based”. This means that the interaction between the data in the database and how to present the data in Excel (sheets, columns and rows) are to a minimum hardcoded but stored as rules in a few tables in the database. This also goes for how data like budget data keyed in by the user are to be inserted into tables in the database.

    The database acts like a small datawarehouse which is loaded with data from source systems like a financial system and those data are then transformed/aggregated to be presented in the Excel form as actual data used to help the user to create the budget.

    This also works over Internet. The user can order his/her form as an Excelfile, open it and then create the budget figures and with a makro load the data into the remote SQL-server.

    Then you can create reports using Excel or an analysis tool to see the consolidated budget figures sent in from all the responsible managers.

    This is not a product I sell and I don’t have a complete description in English but if You find this approach to solve the need for “Creating a budget system” which is used by some big Swedish companies I would be interested to discuss a project together with You.


    Best regards

    Gosta Munktell



  • Gosta,

    Thank you.  I already have an Access front end and backend developed.  I prefer Access forms so that I can create an intuitive interface where the fiscal year, categories, etc. can change each year.  Also, so that the data is saved every year.  However, I suppose I was really looking to see how other folks did it.  Mainly, I wanted to see what kind of interface/reports they developed.

    I appreciate your time.

  • I hope your audience is able in Access as well.

    For budgeting purposes most users expect a pretty clean Excel working enviroment and data flow. I've been in a bunch of different shops, and making data Excelable is critical for these users.

    How did your project work out?


  • I agree most people use Excel as "front end" and the crucial thing is to export to Excel and then import from Excel to a database like Access. Many people try to use Excel also as the database with a lot of makro code which is hard to maintain. I have made a solution which is very flexible.

    - Gosta

  • Well, I did end up doing it in Access.  Exporting to Excel is an option in the application.  My boss already had an Excel spreadsheet developed and he basically ruled Excel out 'cause he wanted me to make his life easy by letting him click a button and a million things go happening in the background. 

  • How do I get this template?

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