Looking for ideas on how to build a query

  • My order database may have linked orders, and I'm trying to write a query to find all  linked orders.

    For example I have the following parent order number :


    Now my order numbers look like this in the table:

    Ord_num   Parent_Num

    848313      0

    848314      848313

    848315      848314


    Now when I have 848313 in memory, I need a query to retrieve both 848314 and 315 as well.

    Of course the following Select only retrieves order 848314 :

       select a.ticket from order_fx a where a.parent_num = 848313

    but how to I also retieve order 848315, which is part of this total order strategy (as the client refers to it).


    Thank you very much


  • Here's one way to do it by a selfjoin.

    There's a drawback, though, in that using a function in the join will invalidate indexusage,

    so there may not be the best performance on large volumes.


    table #x ( ord_num int not null, parent_num int not null, ord_txt varchar(15) not null )



    select 848313, 0, 'order 848313' union all

    select 848314, 848313, 'order 848314' union all

    select 848315, 0848314, 'order 848315'



    select b.ord_num, b.parent_num, b.ord_txt

    from   #x a

    join   #x b

    on     coalesce(nullif(b.parent_num, 0), b.ord_num) = a.ord_num

    ord_num     parent_num  ord_txt

    ----------- ----------- ---------------

    848313      0           order 848313

    848314      848313      order 848314

    848315      848314      order 848315


    3 row(s) affected)



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