loop through table where one field always has different value

  • I need a little help with looping through a table to put all instances of the data into rows

    declare @key as int

    set @key = 7

    declare @index as int = 0

    declare @nmbrCt as int = 0

    declare @rowCounter as int = 0

    declare @g as varchar(50), @d as varchar(100), @C as varchar(100)

    declare @dTable as table(Id varchar(100), d varchar(max))

    set @nmbrCt = (select count(v) from tblOrder where key = @key)

    --returns a count of 2 since there are two rows for the Key




    --Key s v

    --7 2 apple

    --7 2 orange

    --7 3 100

    --7 3 100

    set @g = 'Value of '

    if @nmbrCt > 1


    --get multiple entities

    while @index < @nmbrCt


    set @rowCounter = @rowCounter + 1

    set @C = (select v as cNumb from tblOrder where s = 3 and key = @key)

    --this is the item that will be different

    set @d = (select v as dItem from tblOrder where s = 2 and key = @key)

    insert @dTable

    select @key as Id, @g + @d + ' ' + @C

    set @index = @index + 1





    -- this works if there is only one entity

    set @C = (select v as cNumb from tblOrder where s = 3 and key = @key)

    set @d = (select v as dItem from tblOrder where s = 2 and key = @key)

    insert @dTable

    select @key as Id, @g + @d + ' ' + @C


    select Id,d from @dTable

    --desired end results

    --id d

    --7 Value of apple 100

    --7 Value of orange 100

  • Instead of showing us the code, please post some sample data showing the original structure of your table and then the desired one.

    Most helpful would be if you would post CREATE TABLE and INSERT scripts for the source table and then a structure/sample data for the desired structure.

    Instead of rehashing how to post a question, I'll point you to a super handy article... Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url].

    once you do that, folks here can help you, and you'll get tested code. =)

  • Your data makes no sense. How do you define a relation between each fruit and its value?

    There's no order in a table, you need additional values. Hopefully, this isn't a real design on a working system.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis - working on a project that has it setup as follows:

    key - is a foreign key to a primary key in another table

    s - is a setting id -- looks like the a 2 means fruit and 3 means some type of code id

    v - is a value per setting -- the value of the setting id

    with a slight modification of the query below, I can get at least one row but not the other:

    set @d = (select top 1 v as dItem from tblOrder where s = 2 and key = @key)

    just notice i had them backwards in terms of the settings.

    if the key only has 1 item in the table it works fine. I just can't quite get all the rows for multiple entities

  • pietlinden,

    Included in the original post:


    --Key s v

    --7 2 apple

    --7 2 orange

    --7 3 100

    --7 3 100

    --desired end results

    --id d

    --7 Value of apple 100

    --7 Value of orange 100

    Below are the create and insert stmts:

    --table create

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblOrder](

    [Key] [int] NOT NULL,

    [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [v] [varchar](50) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    -- insert

    INSERT INTO tblOrder (Key, s, v)


    (7, '2', 'apple'),

    (7, '2', 'orange'),

    (7, '3', 100),

    (7, '3', 100)

    the desired is the query noted above

  • wdmm (5/2/2016)


    Included in the original post:


    --Key s v

    --7 2 apple

    --7 2 orange

    --7 3 100

    --7 3 100

    --desired end results

    --id d

    --7 Value of apple 100

    --7 Value of orange 100

    Below are the create and insert stmts:

    --table create

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblOrder](

    [Key] [int] NOT NULL,

    [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [v] [varchar](50) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    -- insert

    INSERT INTO tblOrder (Key, s, v)


    (7, '2', 'apple'),

    (7, '2', 'orange'),

    (7, '3', 100),

    (7, '3', 100)

    the desired is the query noted above

    I see nothing in the data which tells me which values go together. You can't base it on the visual order as shown as there is no order in a table.

  • yah I see that now so I requested a new col and that contain an id to link the rows; modified the query and it works

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