Looping a SELECT statement with an INTO clause

  • Here is the recordset I am working with:

    partno       fjobno         foperno prodcost              matlcost                                

    --------    ----------      ------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------

    6000-B20   00017-0000   10      19.11000              15.0000000000

    6000-B00   00017-0000   20      15.00000              .0000000000

    6000-000   00017-0000   30      30.65000              .0000000000

    The table that references the matlcost only references for the lowest foperno, (foperno = 10). All the remaining matlcost must be calculated from the previous foperno's (prodcost + matlcost).

    I have a select staement that will accomplish what I need, but I must run it x amount of times, incrementing a temp table reference each time I execute the statement. Seeing that some of our parts have 8 foperno, I would need to run the select statement 9 times to complete the fmatlcost calculations. Here is the select statement I am using.

    select t1.PartNo, t1.fjobno, t1.foperno, t1.prodcost, isnull(t2.prodcost + t2.matlcost, t1.matlcost) as matlcost

    into #wip3

    from #wip2 t1

    left join #wip2 t2 on t1.fjobno = t2.fjobno

    and t2.foperno = t1.foperno -10

    I then increment the temp table names +1 each and run the select statement again, until all matlcosts are calculated.

    I was thinking about using a while loop, by incrementing a table variable, but I understand you can not use table variables with a INTO clause. Then I thought about a CURSOR, but was discouraged by all the articles stating to avoid cursors. So, I could use some insight and/or guidance on how to accomplish what I need to, better than I have figured. The results should be like the following:

    partno       fjobno         foperno prodcost              matlcost                                

    --------     ----------   ------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------

    6000-B20   00017-0000   10      19.11000              15.0000000000

    6000-B00   00017-0000   20      15.00000              34.1100000000

    6000-000   00017-0000   30      30.65000              49.1100000000

    Where the upper foperno's matlcost equals (prodcost + matlcost) of the previous foperno.



  • The following will produce the desired results without the the need for a loop.  It works on your example record set, but I'm not sure if it's what you want for a more comprehensive record set.


        select t1.PartNo, t1.fjobno, t1.foperno, t1.prodcost,

        matlcost = matlcost + (select isnull(sum(t2.prodcost+t2.matlcost),0)

                                from #wip2 t2

                                where t1.fjobno = t2.fjobno

                                and t2.foperno < t1.foperno


        from #wip2 t1

        order by t1.fjobno, t1.foperno

    - Mark

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