lost dts package

  • hi,

     i have created a DTS package and it was running fine. i had a some problem with my sql installation so i rebuild the DB using rebuildm command line utility.

    sql installation is fine now.

    i noticed that eventhough user created db was removed from enterprise manager i was able to attach it back using the attach wizard because the databases are still in the installation directory

    my problem is that i have forgotten to save my DTS package. Is it saved anywer in my hard disk or is there any way for me to retrieve it back????


    Plz help.....

  • You have no backup of the MSDB database?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • nop

  • Unfortunately the package is lost...

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • I have a similiar problem, but i have the original msdb database file saved. Would it be possible for me to just copy it over the old one ?? ( A fresh installation msdb. )

  • Yes, You should be able to restore MSDB over the current database. Make sure SQL agent is turned off and all the connection to MSDB are closed.

    You will learn your lesson to always keep backup of system databases. I learned that hard way.

  • Its also a good idea to Save your DTS Packages as Structured Storage Files and Store in a Code Vault such as Visual SourceSafe or StarTeam.

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