Loyalty Cards

  • bitbucket (8/6/2009)

    For those who read this forum and who are living in the U.S.A and who have forgotten about the Do Not Call listing and who wish to stop telemarketing phone calls, for both land line and cell phones visit this site and register your phone numbers


    Doesn't apply if they have "an existing business relationship with you". Meaning, if you've ever purchased anything or contacted them about maybe purchasing something.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • someguy -- there is a built in issue with getting a new phone line that is unlisted. It WAS listed for someone else. For the last 5 years my home office line (unlisted) has been getting calls for the previous owner of that line. They ask for him by name and everything. Doesn't stop the calls. Just stops yours 😉

  • Be very cautious of the "transposing digits" in the phone number trick. For those outside the U.S. the country has many "area codes". Each state has one or more depending on telephone population. Some cities are large enough to have their own area code.

    I live in a border city. The metropolitan population is on both sides of the state line. The local phone company was on the ball enough to not make you dial the whole area code and number if it could recognize that the number you wanted was just on the other side of the state line.

    The company I worked for had a number very similar to that of a large hospital. In fact if you tried to dial the hospital an switched the first two digits you got us instead. This was in the day before 911 (like the 999 in the UK) and direct in-dial to large facilities was rare too. There were many nights that I took panicked calls for the poison control desk. I finally set up a special extension on our phone system that would use the "hot line" feature to call the hospital. I could then 3-way the incoming call to the hot-line and lay the phone down.

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • For quite a few businesses where I don't care about them tracking me, as in it's a one time purchase or I don't trust them, especially online, I give out 303-333-3333. It's a cab company in Denver 😉

  • The thing about these "loyalty schemes" is that the converse is just as bad. I use a technology provider that I endorse highly. Every aspect of their service is top flight. Over the years we have had only very slight problems of any sort and those were all quickly resolved. I hate calling technical support most of the time because I usually have the problem diagnosed already and they still walk me through the "read from the cue card" check list. Not these people.

    The one thing that torques me off is that all the good stuff and discounts are only available to the new customers. Arrgh! Here I've been a loyal customer these many years and drive the occasional new business to them. What do I get? Birthday and Christmas cards along with the small reward dollars they send me on the new customer referral program.

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • Robert,

    You know, it did occur to me that I could be getting the phone number of someone who got rid of it for them same reason I was getting rid of mine. Fortunately, we haven't been getting any calls from bill collectors or other threatening types...

    “Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason.”

  • I like the way the "Speedway" service stations did it here in Michigan. You don't have to fill out a bloody thing. They give you a card and the only thing necessary is to present the card at the time of purchase even if it's just cash. I suspect that the first time you use your credit card and loyalty card at the gas pump at the same time that they have all the information they'll ever need on you.

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