Machine Learning and Data Analysis Bias Challenges

  • Excellent observations and I heartily agree.  Great point on even the data elements to be included or excluded in consideration.  I think this points out exactly the root problem of artificial intelligence, that it is in fact artificial.  The points about factors to be considered regarding financial aspects of life are a perfect example.

    Various developers from differing backgrounds. life experience, and motivations will use differing criteria for data analysis which by default introduces biases into the decision making.  Maybe the saving grace in all of this is that the bias has always been there, and AI just makes it easier and faster.  This applies to so many areas of life such as financial, political, and social settings.

    This gives a whole new meaning to GIGO.   It all depends on who hauls the garbage.



    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

  • I think this also means we ought to require more disclosure for the machines making decisions. We can dig into the black box models and get explanations. Organizations ought to disclose how/why their model works.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor wrote:

    I think this also means we ought to require more disclosure for the machines making decisions. We can dig into the black box models and get explanations. Organizations ought to disclose how/why their model works.

    That is a pretty scary thought.  The obvious agency to do this would be the government, which would be the investigated doing the investigation.

    Along the line of the bias in reporting and interpretation, I have an interesting thought.  I typically get my annual credit report from each of the three reporting agencies on a rotating four-month schedule.  But I have never really thought about comparing the three sources.  And I wonder if there are differences between what I see and what others see.  Maybe next time I do that I will have my son's business get mine at the same time.  And now there is even an application which claims to be able to boost your credit score artificially.  So we know how reliable the credit scoring system is!


    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

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