Maintenance Jobs failing

  • I have one database that has just started causing my Integrity and Optimisation job to fail.  The error generated is:

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'.

    I have turned Quoted_Identifier ON & also OFF and I still get this error.  No other settings in the database have changed. 

    Does anyone know why when changing the Quoted_Identifier settings it seems to have no effect in getting the maintenance jobs to run?  All other database on this server have no problems.



  • It turns out a Developer had added an index that included a computed column.  There was no data in the table (and is unlikely there will be) and the developer was thinking the index may get used sometime in the future, so I just deleted the index and now everythings hunky dory.



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