Making a backup to a remote machine

  • Is there any way of making a database backup to a remote machine without using a mapping to the remote machine folder???  I have adopted by now the scheduled task method to copy the scheduled backup to the remote machine using a mapping, but I would like another approach, like an utility, plugin or something like this to achieve this task.

    Thanks in advance,



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  • For some of my servers, I take differential Backup every hour, then copy this to remote machine using the below job:

    Job: Diffrential Backup of All databases & COPY

    STEP 1: Diffrential Backup of All databases

    STEP 2: Copy Diffrential Backup Database Files to  remote machine ussing this below code:   

    xp_cmdshell'xcopy E:\MSSQL2000\MSSQL\BACKUP\Differential\*DIFF.BAK \\REMOTE\BACKUPDRIVE\MSSQL2000\MSSQL\BACKUP\Differential /Y'



    Hope this Helps!!!


  • If you don't want to backup using drive mappings you should use UNC path naming conventions.  SQL server handles these much better than mapped network drives.  All you need to do is kick off a backup using this path.

    backup database northwind to disk='\\servername\share\filename.bak'

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