Managing Concurrency

  • I want to centralize my previous standalone application. Previous application was using VB.NET and Access XP. Now I want to keep a centralized database (SQL Server 2005) and VB.NET 2005. At this point of time thousands of concurrent users will connect to the database at the same time.

    In my application, when a ticket is being issued to a tourist, an SQL query finds the max(ticketno) for the current month from the main table and reserves this number for the current ticket. When the operator has finished entering information and clicks SAVE button, the record is saved to the main table with this ticket no. Previously there was no issue since the database was standalone.

    I want to know how to block the new ticket no so that other concurrent users are not using the same number for saving a record. How to better tune the database for thousands of concurrent users at the same time? I also want that the other user must not get an error message when he attempts to save a record. It should be automatically handled by the database.

    "Here is a test to find out whether your mission in life is complete. If you're alive, it isn't. "

    Richard Bach

  • Most likely you would want to use an identity value in SQL and not issue the ticket number until the first time you do a save.

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