Managing Large Updates

  • Hey forumites, if you have a simple update statement in a stored procedure that updates millions of rows at the same time and you want to seperate the updates into batches of like say (10000) at a time to prevent locking, how do you go about this?

  • I wrote the article Deleting Large Number of Records[/url]. Take a look at the code for SQL Server 2005, you should be able to use that as a starting point to write a batched UPDATE as well. Part of it will be determined by your where clause. As the updates occur, will the previous batch(es) be excluded from the update?

    Hope this helps.

  • Thanks Lynn for your response to my question. To answer your question, Yes the previous updates will be excluded from the other updates. I will read your article now and might ask follow questions if need be. Thanks again for your time.

  • Thank you for the feedback. We'll try to answer any questions you may have.

  • Hey Lynn, love the article. I am assuming that replacing the delete statement with the update statement will suffice here in my case. I am also not concerned about the transaction logs at this point so would it be safe to disregard that part of the code? Another question, while i'm updating the large table, it will still be accessible by other tables right?

  • The only blocking you should see would be the result of attempting to access rows that are being updated in that particular batch as long as it hasn't escalated to a table lock. Doing it in batches, however, should allow the locks to release and allow other processes to access the table as the next batch is getting ready to run. If you aren't going to take t-log backups between updates, realize that the t-log will grow, and could be excessive. That is the purpose of the t-logs in the process, manage t-log growth as well. Without the t-log backup, you may want to put a short delay in its place.

    And finally, yes, replace the DELETE with an UPDATE statement.

  • Hey Lynn, Thank you very much for your help and advice. It is very much appreciated. Happy Holidays btw !

  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well. May the holidays be good to you.

  • The below will allow u to perform your update in chucks of whatever desired size u want. Correct my if i'm wrong but i suppose the idea is to have your update update one data page at a time using "rowlock". Updates accross massive amounts of records is very dangerous, especially when your updateing say order records for a massivew website whose end users are constantly trying to write to the the records ur updating. Locking is inevidable if u dont find a way to do them in chunks. I learned this one the hard way.

    create table #loopingTable


    id int identity(1,1)

    , custId int


    declare @rowId int

    set @rowId = 1

    declare @numRecsToProcess int

    set @numRecsToProcess = 100 --this is the number of records to process

    --these are the records u plan on updating

    insert into #loopingTable

    select distinct custId

    from customer

    while exists ( select top 1 * from #loopingTable where id > @rowid )


    update c with (rowlock) --try and minimize locking

    set custname = 'whatever'

    from customer c

    join #loopingTable tt

    on tt.custid = c.custid

    where between @rowId and @rowid + @numRecsToProcess --this is the throtle

    set @rowid = @rowid + @numRecsToProcess


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