MapPoint with non-spacial data

  • Our system stores customer addresses with street, city, state, and zip, but would this be sufficient to use the SQL Plugin with MapPoint? From the few examples I've seen MapPoint relies on spacial data. So is it possible to use MapPoint to map addresses with just the address, city, state, and zip? Or what about just City and State to give a count of customers per City or State on a map?

    The only other alternative I can think of is getting a list of all US city Lat and Long coordinates and use that with MapPoint, if that's even possible.

    Thanks for any pointers as this would be a neat analytic to have.

  • samalex (12/8/2010)

    Our system stores customer addresses with street, city, state, and zip, but would this be sufficient to use the SQL Plugin with MapPoint? From the few examples I've seen MapPoint relies on spacial data. So is it possible to use MapPoint to map addresses with just the address, city, state, and zip? Or what about just City and State to give a count of customers per City or State on a map?

    The only other alternative I can think of is getting a list of all US city Lat and Long coordinates and use that with MapPoint, if that's even possible.

    Thanks for any pointers as this would be a neat analytic to have.


    You can go for Lat and Long coordinates. With Lat and Long you can set street, city, state, and zip.




  • You don't really need the SQL Plug-in, MapPoint can import address, city, state, etc. directly without needing the plugin.

    You could either do this in batch by dumping to a list first (Access, Excel, text, etc.) or pro grammatically one by one.


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