Master / msdb Log Questions

  • 1. In a default SQL 7 install what database is associated with the "distmdl.mdf" and "distmdl.ldf" files?

    2. The master database has components: master.mdf and mastlog.ldf. But in practice I have never been able to dump the "trans log" for the master databases. Does this mean that I can only restore the master database from the last full database dump?

    3. The msdb database uses "Truncate log on checkpoint" as a default so no trans logs

    are generated. That seems like a bad choice. After all, DTS package and other items are stored in the msdb. I'd assume that, in time of need, we'd want to restore the msdb (as well as user databases) from transaction logs.

    TIA, for any light you can shed on these matters.


  • For #1, it's the distribution database used by replication.

    For #2, exactly - transactions are logged, but you can only do a full backup, not a log backup. It's never very big anyway, so doing a full backup makes sense.

    On #3, I agree. I've actually got a job that resets the truncate flag on all db's on the production box - none should be running in truncate mode, this fixes it if one gets set by accident (or on purpose as in your msdb example).


  • Andy,

    I didn't fully understand your answer in 2) regarding the master database:

    "For #2, exactly - transactions are logged, but you can only do a full backup, not a log backup. It's never very big anyway, so doing a full backup makes sense."

    If I understand you correctly, then if I have to rebuild a server from bare metal, the transactions stored in the master log are lost. Is this correct?

    With reference to #3: "I've actually got a job that resets the truncate flag on all db's on the production box". Can you post a copy? Never hurts to see how someone else does business.




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