Mastering SQL Server Profiler - Part 6: Creating Custom Traces

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Mastering SQL Server Profiler - Part 6: Creating Custom Traces

    Brad M. McGehee

  • Absolutely superb training from Brad. Many Thanks for giving me a better understanding of Profiler.

  • Thanks. If you haven't do so yet, download a free PDF copy of my book, "Mastering SQL Server Profiler" from

    Brad M. McGehee

  • In fact, I enjoyed all your tutorials on Mastering SQL Server Profiler, I downloaded your book and many more of your other books. I couldn't express how grateful I am for such material from a professional and how you place so much emphasies on making helping others to achieve their dream and improve themselves. May I say, thanks again.

  • Thanks for the great online video tutorials on SQL Profiler.

  • Thank you for the excellent videos. It is highly appreciated.

  • It's just great and i almost learn all the things about the Profiler.

    Thanks for the Great Tutorials and i am looking forward in future so

    learn like this.

  • I can't click the play the video link?

    please help

  • Can you provide some details as to what you are experiencing when you are trying to play the videos? In addition, what browser do you have? Do you have Flash installed in the browser? What OS are you using? What is your Internet bandwidth?

    Brad M. McGehee

  • There is no link on "Play the Video"

    (one line above Feedback)

    Windows XP SP2

    IE 6.0


    Mastering SQL Server Profiler - Part 5: Data Columns

    By Brad McGehee, 2009/05/19

    Total article views: 1106 | Views in the last 30 days: 1106

    Rate this | Join the discussion | Briefcase | Print

    Module Overview

    Module 5, the penultimate module of my introductory training course on SQL Server Profiler, "Becoming a Profiler Master", examines the important data columns that are associated with the Profiler events discussed in module 4.

    This video training course is based on the book Mastering SQL Server Profiler, also by Brad McGehee. It contains detailed descriptions of many of the concepts covered in this course and provides ideal support material. You can download a free copy of the e-Book from the Red Gate website:

    Download the SQL Server Profiler eBook

    [highlight=#ffff11]Play the Video[/highlight]


    We'd love to hear what you think of this video. If you have any comments or queries, please use the "Join the discussion" link above.

    By Brad McGehee, 2009/05/19

    Total article views: 1106 | Views in the last 30 days: 1106

  • If I understand the question correctly, you are expecting to see a link to "play the video". There is no link for "play the video", to actually play the video, you have to click "Click Here to Start", which is on the video image itself.

    Brad M. McGehee

  • Thanks

    When I click the play on the image, it run into this page

  • I'm not able to duplicate what you are describing. When I go to the video, wait for it to load, the click "Click Here to Start", it works fine. I tried this for all the Profiler videos, and it works everytime for me. Perhaps you can be more specific about what you are doing and exactly what you are getting back as a result. Do you have this problem with all the videos, or only for this one video?

    Brad M. McGehee

  • Thanks

    I can see the video on another computer.

  • I am a developer, but due to our company being flat structured I have to fulfill a dba role as well. That is why I appreciate videos like these that fast track my skills. Your video presentation works way better than those on Jumpstart TV. Please could you continue with this on other subjects as well - like you mentioned at the start Database Tuning Advisor. Thanks.

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