Matching the duplicate records and doing a count HELP?

  • The code below is the query .

    what im trying to do is to get all the personnelNumbers that occur greater than or equal to 4.

    Help would be apprecated .Thanks Ritz

    SELECT Count(tblSicknessEpisode.PersonnelNumber) AS CountOfPersonnelNumber, tblSicknessEpisode.PersonnelNumber, tblSicknessEpisode.SickEpisodeID, tblSicknessEpisode.FirstDate, tblSicknessEpisode.LastDate, tblSicknessEpisode.SickCategory

    FROM tblSicknessEpisode

    GROUP BY tblSicknessEpisode.PersonnelNumber, tblSicknessEpisode.SickEpisodeID, tblSicknessEpisode.FirstDate, tblSicknessEpisode.LastDate, tblSicknessEpisode.SickCategory

    HAVING (((tblSicknessEpisode.SickCategory)="NWR"))

    ORDER BY tblSicknessEpisode.FirstDate;

  • Try this..

    SELECT Count(tblSicknessEpisode.PersonnelNumber) AS CountOfPersonnelNumber, tblSicknessEpisode.SickEpisodeID, tblSicknessEpisode.FirstDate, tblSicknessEpisode.LastDate, tblSicknessEpisode.SickCategory

    FROM tblSicknessEpisode

    GROUP BY tblSicknessEpisode.SickEpisodeID, tblSicknessEpisode.FirstDate, tblSicknessEpisode.LastDate, tblSicknessEpisode.SickCategory



    HAVING (((tblSicknessEpisode.PersonnelNumber)>=4))

    ORDER BY tblSicknessEpisode.FirstDate;

    Having is meant to apply condition on any Aggregate functions used with Group By, in the above example u can use WHERE rather than Having.

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