matrix has its own layout desicion?

  • Hi all,

    I have spent quite a long time on this adjusting format .

    Everything looks just fine in the layout.  Textboxes line up with each other and Matrix is right under and has the same left 'location' : - 1.5 in.

    But When it rendered, The textboxes in either body or the head are lined up as I expected.  But the matrix just won't go the the same location to line up with the rest of the things on the report.  It put itself at the center of my screen.

    The matrix has 2 fields put into Rows and one field put in the Data.  What can be done to make it line up to left?

    I made all lef side textboxes to have location left as 1.5 in.  MArgin is now 0in on all sides.  The report page size is 8.5 in and 11 in.

    I give up!!  But wehn print preview, the matrix line up with the textboxes as I wanted.  Can anyone please help?




  • Hi,

    Never mind, I figured out the reason.  When I make the matrix so close to the textbox above.  The position of the matrix will be changed.


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