Matrix Rows groups as rows - Ideas will be appreciated -Thanks

  • 1

    I'm not sure how to explain this, and i've tried a lot of different options, but what i want is this.

    I want a matrix row group to show up as actual rows, not as columns, in the lay-out.

    So, if i make a matrix with a column group of resources, and 2 row groups: project group and project name, those 2 should not be in seperate columns. I just want to make the group bold, and the projects in the same column, below it.

    This is just an example, my real problem is that when adding a lot of row groups, the report becomes too wide.

    How i would like it:

    | resource1 | resource2 | resource3

    group1 |

    project1 |

    project2 |

    group2 |

    project3 |

    project4 |

    What it's right now:

    | resource1 | resource2 | resource3

    Group1 | project1 |

    | project2 |

    Group2 | project3 |

    | project4 |

  • And also it should have drill down functionality. Say group1 should drill down into project 1 and project 2.

    I can get get project1 and project2 beneath group1 by doing 'add group-->adjacent below' in the report designer. But then the drill down wont work - error message is- the toggle item share the same scope as the hidden item. :angry:

  • Yay! I got it working.:cool:

    Its stepped layout format. If anyone comes across the same issue. Search online for stepped layout matrix.

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