Matrix Table - Each Column Different Color

  • I having a little trouble with the Matrix columns. I'm trying to give columns a different color depending on the grouped Type.

    As you can see in the picture, the column called "Add-On Count" has some green cells, which I want, but the rest of that column is in another color. I'm looking to make that column all green no matter if it has a value or not.

    It's the same for the bluer column, but you dont see the uncolored cells in this picture because it's way down low in the results.

    I tried several different combinations of expressions, but havent been able to find the right one.

    Hopefully someone here can assist. Thanks all.

  • Probably a silly question, but if the Add-On Column is always green, why not just set the back color to green.

    Or are you saying that your grouping's expression is incorrectly changing the color?


  • robert.gerald.taylor (10/8/2014)

    Probably a silly question, but if the Add-On Column is always green, why not just set the back color to green.

    Or are you saying that your grouping's expression is incorrectly changing the color?


    That column is part of the column group. If I made that green, then every column there would be green. ERP will always be blue, but there are some speckled non-color cells because there's no value in it. "Add-On" as you can see only is green with it has a value in it. The rest after "Add-On" that can stay peach. It's just the first two I want to have two different colors.

    This is the expressions I'm currently using:

    =IIF(Fields!RevCategory.Value = "ERP(Sys)", "LightBlue",

    IIF(Fields!RevCategory.Value = "Add-On Count", "YellowGreen",


    I'm sure it's something simple I'n not adding to make this work.

  • DarthBurrito (10/8/2014)

    robert.gerald.taylor (10/8/2014)

    Probably a silly question, but if the Add-On Column is always green, why not just set the back color to green.

    Or are you saying that your grouping's expression is incorrectly changing the color?


    That column is part of the column group. If I made that green, then every column there would be green. ERP will always be blue, but there are some speckled non-color cells because there's no value in it. "Add-On" as you can see only is green with it has a value in it. The rest after "Add-On" that can stay peach. It's just the first two I want to have two different colors.

    This is the expressions I'm currently using:

    =IIF(Fields!RevCategory.Value = "ERP(Sys)", "LightBlue",

    IIF(Fields!RevCategory.Value = "Add-On Count", "YellowGreen",


    I'm sure it's something simple I'n not adding to make this work.

    Sorry, I had missed that it was part of a column grouping. Your expression looks straight-forward and like it should work. Do you have row groupings going on as well? Try just listing all of the detail (without row groupings) and see if your column coloring expression works correctly.

    Sorry I don't have any better ideas.


  • I finally figured it out and it was such a simple solution. Here's the expression I used.

    In the detail cell:

    =IIF(ISNOTHING(SUM(Count(Fields!RevCategory.Value))), 0, SUM(Count(Fields!RevCategory.Value)))

    In the Fill section of the detail cell:

    =IIF(ReportItems!RevCategory.Value = "ERP(Sys)" and ReportItems!RevCategory1.Value >= 0, "LightBlue"

    , IIF(ReportItems!RevCategory.Value = "Add-On Count" and ReportItems!RevCategory1.Value >= 0, "YellowGreen"

    , "PeachPuff"))

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