Max Memory

  • My first PC was an IBM/XT circa 198x. It had a 10MB (that's MB, not a type) ahrd drive, with 256 bytes of memory (the mem upgrade was on a backplane card). I think it came stock with 128 bytes of memory (or was it 128K/256K? I forget). It had an 8-bit 8086 8mz Intel processor. The hard drive was massive, and squeaked like a mouse in pain when it was running normally. I used if for a paper weight in my office for years after I trashed it. Before that I worked on mainframes.. An IBM mainframe in 1976 had 16K memory, and we wrote entire accounting packages in assembler language on those.. LOL. 16K? Try running SQL Server 2008 on that!

  • And see mine was an Atari 800 with 800 BYTES of memory. And that was impressive for the time. And I was jealous of my friend who had a tape drive. That's cassette tape by the way.

    You were sold a lemon, mate--everyone else's Atari 800s had 8Kb of memory! 🙂

  • paul.knibbs (3/17/2011)

    And see mine was an Atari 800 with 800 BYTES of memory. And that was impressive for the time. And I was jealous of my friend who had a tape drive. That's cassette tape by the way.

    You were sold a lemon, mate--everyone else's Atari 800s had 8Kb of memory! 🙂

    What can I say, I've slept since then. 🙂

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  • We had several half-height blades hosting our sql instances - all at 96GB. Fairly decent sized warehouse as well as the OLTP environment.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • One more to the list:

    255 GB RAM , 64 CPU (4 sockets)

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