Max value subquery?

  • Good afternoon, struggling to come up with a way to select all the values listed when the carat_id is MAX(carat_id), which is the primary table key.

    Tried a few different things w/o success, I should get a unique row per account_id, vs the dups listed in the output, think I need a subquery but have not been able to figure it out.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    SELECT b.carat_id

    ,b.account_id AS 'Account ID'

    ,ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),b.FO_LOC_expiry_date,101),'N/A') AS 'LOC Expiration Date'

    ,ISNULL(b.work_program,0) AS 'Work Program'

    ,b.cy_fin_worksheet_id AS 'Current Year Financial Worksheet ID'

    ,ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),b.cy_statement_date,101),'N/A') AS 'Current Year Statement Date'

    ,b.cy_working_capital AS 'Current Year Working Capital'

    ,b.cy_wc_case AS 'Current Year Working Capital Case'

    ,b.cy_net_worth AS 'Current Year Net Worth'

    ,b.cy_nw_case AS 'Current Year Net Worth Case'

    ,b.cy_current_ratio AS 'Current Year Current Ratio'

    ,b.cy_UBWC AS 'Current Year UBWC'

    ,b.cy_debt_worth AS 'Current Year Debt Worth'

    ,b.cy_bank_debt_worth AS 'Current Year Bank Debt Worth'

    ,b.cy_revenue AS 'Current Year Revenue'

    ,b.cy_net_income AS 'Current Year Net Income'

    ,b.cy_np_pct AS 'Current Year Net Profit Percent'

    ,b.cy_LQWC AS 'Current Year LQWC'

    ,b.cy_UBNW AS 'Current Year UBNW'

    ,b.cy_cash_flow_operations AS 'Current Year Cash Flow Operations'

    ,b.cy_cash_flow_investments AS 'Current Year Cash Flow Investments'

    ,b.cy_cash_flow_financing AS 'Current Year Cash Flow Financiang'

    ,b.py_fin_worksheet_id AS 'Prior Year Financial Worksheet ID'

    ,ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),b.py_statement_date,101),'N/A') AS 'Prior Year Statement Date'

    ,ISNULL(b.py_working_capital,0) AS 'Prior Year Working Capital'

    ,ISNULL(b.py_wc_case,0) AS 'Prior Year Working Capital Case'

    ,ISNULL(b.py_net_worth,0) AS 'Prior Year Net Worth'

    ,ISNULL(b.py_nw_case,0) AS 'Prior Year Net Worth Case'

    ,ISNULL(b.py_revenue,0) AS 'Prior Year Revenue'

    ,b.py_net_income AS 'Prior Year Net Income'

    ,b.one_yr_EDF AS '1 Year EDF'

    ,b.five_yr_EDF AS '5 year EDF'

    ,b.pctile_retained_earnings_to_assets AS 'Reatained Earnings to Assets'

    ,b.pct_of_bond_value AS 'Percent of Bond Value'

    ,b.LQWC_score AS 'LQWC Score'

    ,b.NP_score AS 'NP Score'

    ,b.UBNW_score AS 'UNBW Score'

    ,ISNULL(b.CARAT_score,0) AS 'Carat Score'

    ,b.ERM_max_gross_exposure as 'Max Gross Exposure'

    ,b.ERM_probable_gross_exposure AS 'Probable Gross Exposure'

    ,b.max_issued_class_code_id AS 'Max Issued Class Code'

    ,b.total_bond_premium AS 'Total Bond Premium'

    ,b.bond_exposure_maxissuedclasscode AS 'Bond Exposure For Max Issued Class Code'

    ,ISNULL(c.value_desc,'N/A') AS 'Indemnity Type'


    INNER JOIN lookup c

    ON b.lu_account_indemnity_type = c.column_value and c.column_name = 'lu_account_indemnity_type'

    WHERE b.account_id = 464

    Partial Output that shows dups

    carat_id Account ID LOC Expiration Date

    8981 464 12/31/2005

    10264 464 12/31/2005

    11574 464 12/31/2005

    12881 464 12/31/2005

    14192 464 12/31/2005

    16641 464 02/28/2006

    17906 464 02/28/2006

    19134 464 12/31/2006

    19680 464 12/31/2006

    22375 464 12/31/2006

    24121 464 12/31/2006

    25363 464 12/31/2006

    30048 464 12/31/2006

    31471 464 12/31/2006

    32897 464 12/31/2006

    34334 464 12/31/2006

    35775 464 12/31/2006

    37228 464 N/A

    38686 464 N/A

    40161 464 N/A

    41659 464 12/31/2007

    43175 464 12/31/2007

    44702 464 12/31/2007

    46238 464 12/31/2007

    47817 464 12/31/2007

    49411 464 12/31/2007

    51051 464 12/31/2007

    52720 464 12/31/2007

    54387 464 02/29/2008

    56059 464 02/29/2008

    57751 464 02/29/2008

    59461 464 03/31/2008

    61183 464 12/31/2008

    62918 464 12/31/2008

    64714 464 12/31/2008

    66535 464 12/31/2008

    68362 464 12/31/2008

    69598 464 12/31/2008

    71461 464 12/31/2008

    73087 464 12/31/2008

    74981 464 12/31/2008

    80233 464 02/28/2009

    82131 464 03/31/2009

    84038 464 04/30/2009

    86543 464 04/30/2009

    89649 464 05/30/2009

    93472 464 N/A

    97787 464 02/28/2010

    103059 464 02/28/2010

    108722 464 02/28/2010

    114657 464 02/28/2010

    120772 464 02/28/2010

    127225 464 02/28/2010

    133869 464 02/28/2010

    143918 464 02/28/2010

    147737 464 N/A

    153125 464 N/A

    165164 464 N/A

    167651 464 N/A

    176506 464 03/31/2011

    181542 464 03/31/2011

    190028 464 03/31/2011

    196713 464 03/31/2011

    210988 464 03/31/2011

    217093 464 03/31/2011

    222838 464 03/31/2011

    228731 464 03/31/2011

    234266 464 03/31/2011

    241882 464 04/30/2011

    246883 464 N/A

    256656 464 03/31/2012

    263805 464 03/31/2012

    271642 464 03/31/2012

    278709 464 03/31/2012

    281227 464 03/31/2012

    287092 464 03/31/2012

  • Are you saying that you only want the data from the row that has the MAX Carat_ID for account_id = 464?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Sorry for the confusion, I added in account_id =464 in the where clause to limit the output since the data set is pretty large, figured if I could solve for the worst offender,....

    I spent a good deal of time searching the forum and just found an answer from a prior post, I think here is what I have, omitted GROUP BY AND ORDER BY account_id ASC

    SELECT b.carat_id

    ,b.account_id AS 'Account ID'

    ,ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),b.FO_LOC_expiry_date,101),'N/A') AS 'LOC Expiration Date'

    ,ISNULL(b.work_program,0) AS 'Work Program'

    ,b.cy_fin_worksheet_id AS 'Current Year Financial Worksheet ID'

    ,ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),b.cy_statement_date,101),'N/A') AS 'Current Year Statement Date'

    ,b.cy_working_capital AS 'Current Year Working Capital'

    ,b.cy_wc_case AS 'Current Year Working Capital Case'

    ,b.cy_net_worth AS 'Current Year Net Worth'

    ,b.cy_nw_case AS 'Current Year Net Worth Case'

    ,b.cy_current_ratio AS 'Current Year Current Ratio'

    ,b.cy_UBWC AS 'Current Year UBWC'

    ,b.cy_debt_worth AS 'Current Year Debt Worth'

    ,b.cy_bank_debt_worth AS 'Current Year Bank Debt Worth'

    ,b.cy_revenue AS 'Current Year Revenue'

    ,b.cy_net_income AS 'Current Year Net Income'

    ,b.cy_np_pct AS 'Current Year Net Profit Percent'

    ,b.cy_LQWC AS 'Current Year LQWC'

    ,b.cy_UBNW AS 'Current Year UBNW'

    ,b.cy_cash_flow_operations AS 'Current Year Cash Flow Operations'

    ,b.cy_cash_flow_investments AS 'Current Year Cash Flow Investments'

    ,b.cy_cash_flow_financing AS 'Current Year Cash Flow Financiang'

    ,b.py_fin_worksheet_id AS 'Prior Year Financial Worksheet ID'

    ,ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),b.py_statement_date,101),'N/A') AS 'Prior Year Statement Date'

    ,ISNULL(b.py_working_capital,0) AS 'Prior Year Working Capital'

    ,ISNULL(b.py_wc_case,0) AS 'Prior Year Working Capital Case'

    ,ISNULL(b.py_net_worth,0) AS 'Prior Year Net Worth'

    ,ISNULL(b.py_nw_case,0) AS 'Prior Year Net Worth Case'

    ,ISNULL(b.py_revenue,0) AS 'Prior Year Revenue'

    ,b.py_net_income AS 'Prior Year Net Income'

    ,b.one_yr_EDF AS '1 Year EDF'

    ,b.five_yr_EDF AS '5 year EDF'

    ,b.pctile_retained_earnings_to_assets AS 'Reatained Earnings to Assets'

    ,b.pct_of_bond_value AS 'Percent of Bond Value'

    ,b.LQWC_score AS 'LQWC Score'

    ,b.NP_score AS 'NP Score'

    ,b.UBNW_score AS 'UNBW Score'

    ,ISNULL(b.CARAT_score,0) AS 'Carat Score'

    ,b.ERM_max_gross_exposure as 'Max Gross Exposure'

    ,b.ERM_probable_gross_exposure AS 'Probable Gross Exposure'

    ,b.max_issued_class_code_id AS 'Max Issued Class Code'

    ,b.total_bond_premium AS 'Total Bond Premium'

    ,b.bond_exposure_maxissuedclasscode AS 'Bond Exposure For Max Issued Class Code'

    ,ISNULL(c.value_desc,'N/A') AS 'Indemnity Type'



    SELECT account_id, MAX(carat_id) AS 'Current Carat_ID'

    FROM Carat

    GROUP BY account_id

    ) b2 ON b.carat_id = b2.carat_id AND b.account_id = b2.account_id

    INNER JOIN lookup c

    ON b.lu_account_indemnity_type = c.column_value and c.column_name = 'lu_account_indemnity_type'


    carat_id Account ID LOC Expiration Date

    89577 224 N/A

    539973 234 N/A

    143954 399 N/A

    539972 400 N/A

    539971 405 N/A

    60566 407 N/A

    120698 412 N/A

    539969 413 08/31/2015

    539968 415 N/A

    539966 416 N/A

    539964 457 05/31/2015

    224290 458 02/28/2011

    31470 459 N/A

    539803 462 N/A

    539962 463 06/30/2015

    287092 464 03/31/2012

    539950 470 N/A

    538137 471 06/30/2015

    188935 472 N/A

    539949 474 N/A

    539948 475 N/A

    539947 476 N/A

    539802 477 05/31/2015

    539945 478 N/A

    539944 479 N/A

    539941 480 N/A

    539800 481 N/A

    539939 482 09/30/2015

    539938 483 06/30/2015

    539799 485 07/31/2015

    539936 486 07/31/2015

    539798 487 N/A

    539935 488 06/30/2015

  • rickyschroder (1/11/2015)

    ...I think here is what I have, omitted GROUP BY AND ORDER BY account_id ASC

    That's where I was going with this and why I asked about the Account_ID. Glad you sussed it, though. Because you spent so much time researching the problem, it's one of those things that you won't soon forget. 😀

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

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