Maximum Count By days

  • I have a table that holds clock records of each employee. Table def (not complete)

    ID  int IDENTITY(1,1)

    EmployeeID int,

    StartTime datetime,

    StopTime datetime,

    ClockType int

    An employee can have more than 1 clock record for a day (working on multiple jobs).

    StartTime and StopTime will be on the same day.

    I need a query to return the maximum employees that worked on any day within a given date range

    SELECT COUNT(EmployeeID), dbo.GetDatePortion(StartTime)

    FROM TimeClock

    WHERE StartTime > '2006-10-01' AND startTime < '2006-11-01'

    GROUP BY dbo.GetDatePortion(StartTime)

    I have a function (GetDatePortion) that returns the date without time. The above query returns the total clock records for each day. How do I get the maximum employee worked on any day ?

  • Unoptimized :

    SELECT TOP 1 COUNT(EmployeeID), dbo.GetDatePortion(StartTime)

    FROM dbo.TimeClock

    WHERE StartTime > '2006-10-01' AND startTime < '2006-11-01'

    GROUP BY dbo.GetDatePortion(StartTime)


  • SELECT DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, CAST(0 as datetime) ,StartTime)) AS WorkDay

     ,COUNT(DISTINCT EmployeeID) AS MaxEmp

    FROM TimeClock WITH (NOLOCK)

    WHERE StartTime >= '20061001' AND EndTime < '20061101'

    GROUP BY DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, CAST(0 as datetime) ,StartTime))


  • And the max value in all of this??

  • Remi, you query returns count of clock records on each date - an employee may have 10 clock records on that day but it has to return 1 for that employee.

    Ken, you query worked - just a minor tweak - I need just the maximum employees on a day

    SELECT TOP 1 DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, CAST(0 as datetime) ,StartTime)) AS WorkDay

     ,COUNT(DISTINCT EmployeeID) AS MaxEmp

    FROM TimeClock WITH (NOLOCK)

    WHERE StartTime >= '2006-10-01' AND StopTime < '2006-11-01'

    GROUP BY DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, CAST(0 as datetime) ,StartTime))

    ORDER BY 2 desc

  • Didn't I say that I didn't check the query?!?  I was assuming it was giving the correct results but that he needed only one row.


    Also I may suggest that you put the column name in the order by... the column id ordering is depreciated in sql server 2005.

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