maximum insert commit size in SSIS

  • I am loading Data from a flat file to SQL Server Table.

    I execute the package by keeping maximum insert commit size property in OLEDB destination to 0 (zero)

    [OLE DB Destination [30]] Information: The Maximum insert commit size property of the OLE DB destination "component "OLE DB Destination" (30)" is set to 0. This property setting can cause the running package to stop responding. For more information, see the F1 Help topic for OLE DB Destination Editor (Connection Manager Page).

    Do I get any performance improvement if change the maximum insert commit size to a higher value say 10000 or 2147483647 (default values shown up in OLE db destination).

  • anand_vanam (7/21/2010)

    I am loading Data from a flat file to SQL Server Table.

    I execute the package by keeping maximum insert commit size property in OLEDB destination to 0 (zero)

    [OLE DB Destination [30]] Information: The Maximum insert commit size property of the OLE DB destination "component "OLE DB Destination" (30)" is set to 0. This property setting can cause the running package to stop responding. For more information, see the F1 Help topic for OLE DB Destination Editor (Connection Manager Page).

    Do I get any performance improvement if change the maximum insert commit size to a higher value say 10000 or 2147483647 (default values shown up in OLE db destination).

    Setting it to 0 would cause all the records to be committed in one batch which would cause to run the package for a long time. So i think setting the property MCIS (equivalent to batch_size) would definately improve performance since records would get committed as soon as the batch gets filled.

    [font="Arial"]BASKAR BV
    In life, as in football, you won’t go far unless you know where the goalposts are.[/font]

  • Thank you Basker.

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