Maximum number of replications with mssql2000

  • Hi

    we have 2 central servers replicating data (snapshots) to approx. 140 locations under mssql 7. We know that mssql 7 can handle approx. 70 replications per server. For each location a snapshot is generated and then mantained by a transactional replication.

    Know we are testing an upgrade to mssql 2000. We have installed all the agents on one server. The problem is that only 108 snapshot are generated and the others are "waiting".

    Does somebody know if mssql 2000 has a limitation on handling replication agents (like version 7.0) ? If yes, is it possibile to distribute the agents on two instances on the same server or do we need to separate servers ?

    Thanks for any advice.

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  • I am unaware of a limitation. I have worked with over 100 subscribers with no problems. Waiting is a normal message. I think you may want to stagger the schedules when your agents runs. This will probably clear the waiting message.


    Hilary Cotter

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  • It could be an idea thank you. Meanwhile we tried with 2 instance and it works. As we are not in production we will try.

    Have a nice day

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