• Hello Gurus!

    I have been asked to investigate a problem that we are having with DTS jobs and have found some stuff about MDAC that could be causing our problems.

    If anyone can explain how MDAC relates to DTS and if anyone knows how the versions can cause problems, that would be wonderful! I have been reading stuff about it and cant seem to find anything straight forward anywhere.

    Thanks for your help!


  • MDAC is Microsofts set of components to allow access you to read various datasources. MDAC comprises of tools such as ADO, OLEDB and ODBC.

    What versions of MDAC and SQL Server do you have? And what SP's of both.

    What is the specific problem you are having?

    Clive Strong

  • The Problem is occuring on a users machine who is trying to run a DTS. When she runs it, it just crashes. This does not occur on any other users machine. None of the other users actually have SQL Server installed on there pc.

    We are running on our server, SQL 7.0 sp3 with MDAC version 2.5 sp1. THe user has exactly the same but her MDAC version is 2.6.

    I'm pretty certain this must be the problem. But I am wary of just getting the latest MDAC version and not sure wether or not to change the users version or the servers.

    Thanks for your help.


  • In the course of writing some VB apps for some clients of mine, I ran across a similar problem. Using MDAC 2.5, the software compiled and would install on the developemnt machine, yet would not install correctly on any other machine, even others using MDAC 2.5

    After changing to MDAC 2.6, this problem no longer existed. I spent two weeks trying to track down the exact cause, but never did pinpoint the specifics, and after changing to use MDAC 2.6, it wasn't worth going back to discover. I came out of this believing that MDAC 2.5 was seriously flawed in some way. If anyone could shed more light on this, I would be very interested in the details they found, as I know of a few others experiencing the same type of issues, and can only provide them with the general info of my experience.

  • Thanks for your info on this. So i've decided I am going to upgrade all servers running SQL Server to having MDAC 2.6 on them. Did you download it from the internet? Did you encounter any problems in the upgrade? Due to not understanding much about MDAC, i'm being very cautious about jumping in there and upgrading!

    Thanks for all your help.


  • Just to update anyone who is interested.

    I updated our servers to version 2.7 which I downloaded from the microsoft site. This was so straight forward and I dont know what I was panicing about! So all is well and the DTS works fine now. Thanks to anyone who gave me advise.


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