MDAC installation failure

  • I have recently been setting up a small training area so that my team can familiarise themselves with a new software product based on SQL 2000. I have taken four of our Compaq Deskpro EX models and rebuilt them from scratch using the Compaq restore disks. After applying the SP2 service pack to Windows 2K, and the SP2 service pack for Office 2K, I tried to install the client access components of SQL Server 2000 but it failed each time I tried. Eventually I started again with the Compaq restore disks and rebuilt the machines from scratch. This time I installed SQL 2000 before Office 2000 and it worked. Great... but does anyone have any idea why?

  • what error message did you get when it failed?

    One possibility could be that the MDAC files were locked. Don't forget SR1 for SQL (it upgrades the MDAC version to 2.6sp1)


  • Steve,

    Funnily enough I got the message: -

    MDAC failed to install

    Do you think there are MDAC components in Windows 2000 that might have caused this

  • Office will install MDAC. Did you reboot prior to installing SQL, or where any services running which could have locked them?

    Last time I had MDAC locked I managed to get round it by upgrading the MDAC version prior to an install, and it unlocked the files.


  • What does Office use MDAC for?

    If I remember correctly, I had just installed Office SP2 but it is entirely possible that I had forgotten to reboot before proceeding with SQL install. Just for my own interest, do you know which elements of Office use MDAC?

  • As far as I remember

    Access uses Microsoft Jet (part of MDAC), and Excel uses Microsoft Query to access SQL (among other things). MS Query which uses MDAC as well.

    If I remember correcly and you use MS Jet, there is an extra patch (post MDAC 2.6 sp1)

    to fix some Access problems


  • Thanks.

    I shall bear what you have said in mind and update this posting if I get further problems.


    John M.

  • Access2K in project mode uses MSDE - basically SQL Server with no tools.


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