MDX during period calculation

  • Hi All,

    I'm quite new to the MDX. I have a problem with the time dimension. I have a measure which is counting numbers of student enrolments. I want to know how many enrolments are in a period; Enrolment Start Date <= 31 Dec 2010 and Enrolment End Date >= 1 Jan 2010. To get the measure of the enrolment count I can do this;

    SELECT [Measures].[Enrolment Count] ON COLUMNS

    FROM [Student Enrolment]

    WHERE (NULL : [Enrolement Start Date].[Calendar Date].[Date].[2010-12-31 00:00:00.000], [Enrolment End Date].[Calendar Date].[Date].[2010-01-01 00:00:00.000] : NULL);

    But how can I include MonthName from the date dimension (ON ROWS) in my result so it looks like;

    Month Enrolment Count

    Jan 250

    Feb 550

    Mar 280




    Dec 250


  • Can you not just use a set?

    WITH SET [DateRange]


    ( Filter([Enrolement Start Date].[Calendar Date].[Date].Members, [Enrolement Start Date].[Calendar Date].[Date] <=[Enrolement Start Date].[Calendar Date].[Date].&[WhateverDateKey] AND [Enrolement Start Date].[Calendar Date].[Date] >= [Enrolement Start Date].[Calendar Date].[Date].&[WhateverDateKey])


    SELECT [Measures].[Enrolment Count] ON COLUMNS,

    [DateRange] ON ROWS

    FROM [Student Enrolment]

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