MDX member names in RS

  • I'm baffled with this problem. If you type this MDX query in the MDX Sample Solution app. you will see a nice resultset with columns 1,2 3.. for each of the months.



    }on columns,


    [Product].[All Products].[Drink]


    on rows

    from [Warehouse and Sales]

    But if you enter the same MDX query on Reporting Services, the "field names" for the months get converted to something like [Time].[1997].[Q1].[1]

    How can you fix this?.

  • One of the things learnt about using MDX with RS2000 is to use only measures in the columns of your query.  Also you should look for Bill Pearsons articles on using MDX with RS, and possibly prior to these read the Msft document/whitepaper on using RS with Analysis Services (found here).



  • Forgot to mention you should download these samples too, helps with passing parms etc.



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