Measuring SQL Performance

  • Good primer!

    If I have a stored procedure that does multiple tasks, is there a way of getting the  overall cost of the entire procedure or do I have to manually tot up all the costs for each of the individual queries?

  • Hi David:

    Use SP:Completed Event in the SQL Profiler... this should be enough for you needs.

  • It would be nice if you also showed how to clear the sp cache so you can run the results over and over and compare.  I think the commands are



  • Great introductory article to looking at performance. The suggestions above are good, but most code might be improved if each developer took a few minutes to run these and see the relative performance of each query v the time for their code to run.

  • David: Using those tools I mentioned you will have to sum up the numbers. Ad msuraski said there are other tools that can give a better idea of the entire proc. Personally I am normally more interested in optimizing each of the specific queries inside the proc, but of course you could sometimes go for different approaches for the entire proc and want to check which of them to use.

    adutton: Very good advice. I thought about including more, but I thought I would lose a little focus with that. But maybe they should have been mentioned. Maybe they can be included in a follow-up sometime, as well as how to simulate production environments on dev servers.

  • Thanks Chris,

    I've been tuning a stored procedure that itterates down a tree structure  to accumulate a list of ids within that structure and then returns the details associated with those ids.

    I experimented with temp tables vs table variables and found that some parts of the procedure were faster with temporary tables and others were faster with table variables.

    In this scenario I was interested in the overall performance of the procedure.

    I spent quite a bit of time with Excel plotting the impact of one vs the other as the tree structure grew more complex.

    In the end I decided that for shallow trees table variables were better, but for deep trees it was temporary tables that gained the edge.

  • Can we take it a step further, i.e., an article that explains what to do with the results obtained - from both a query rewrite and a hardware POV?

    I ran a sample query that linked two tables, each with 200million rows, looking to return 1001 records using where 'id' between. I don't think 4.6 seconds is bad, but I always look for better.

    I'm heavily indexed on both these tables - and have just recently completed a rewrite of the entire process from our front end web search tool to the redesign of the database and all the associated stored proc's. The data gets a update of about 700k records a week, indexing is dropped, records inserted, and indexs reapplied (and statistics re-computed). It works, seems like it generates fast responses - but it takes 6-8 hours to process.

    Like the others above I found that for short data sets table var's are better, and for temp tables are better for larger returns. My SAN's are normalized (set up to be read/write neutral as opposed to one being faster than the other).

    My overall questions(based on the results below) are

    How do I reduce logical reads, and what does that mean.

    How do I reduce physical reads.

    What's a read-ahead - and why did it need 916 when it was 1001 records (it was queried on the primary clustered key - should it not have 'known' via the indexing, statistics and bookmarking and not needed to read ahead).

    The primary table is a 3rd normal ID only table in it's own database, the secondary table is a loose 2nd normal (lots of text, some id's) in it's own database consisting of one year's data (there are 7 secondary db's).

    Hope that was enough info to go on.

    my results:

    Table 'primary'. Scan count 1001, logical reads 4859, physical reads 6, read-ahead reads 7.

    Table 'secondary'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1007, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 916.

    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 1734 ms, elapsed time = 4675 ms.

    Thanks, and don't forget to Chuckle

  • Though I was aware of all the tools mentioned, I always find myself looking for excuses to not bother. This was a great reminder that SQL provides various very useful tools for the purpose of performance enhancement.

    Regarding DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS and DBCC FREEPROCCACHE, in my experience, these are useful in a testing/staging environment only. I don't believe you would want to do this in a production environment.



    Rogue DBA

  • When I see words like "heavily indexed" red flags go up. How heavily indexed, and are all those indexes being used (selectivity needs to be as high as possible in order for the query analyzer to use the index, generally above 95%), are you getting excessive bookmark lookups (which double your I/O in lots of cases), are you getting hash joins instead of loop joins (have to evaluate the query plan), are you getting index scans instead of index seeks (another indication that your indexes may be selective enough or your joins are incorrect), does the table have a clustered index, is the cluster placed on the column(s) that will give you the best of chance of avoiding bookmark lookups (leading edge, first column, of the index needs to cluster the data in logical groups that will help speed up the data)... Get all these questions answered, then you can start to look at hardware as a mechanism to speed things up.  Worst thing you can do to your queries (write or read) is place a bunch of indexes that are either not used or improperly used by the query optimizer.

    Oh, and nice article. It is shocking the number of times you hear that it doesn't matter how fast a query runs on the database. It's good to see that other people are pushing the need for these types of checks as part of query writing. Now if we can just get people to think about the queries being written as they design tables too.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • DBAs and Developers measuring query performance is important.  Indexing and query performance is one area for a DBA to really shine.  A couple adjustments and you can be a hero for a day.

    Also, if you want to measure many other performance counters on SQL Server/Windows, and many other (IIS, Exchange, network hardware) around the clock and all at the same time, check out  I have purchased this product and have been using it since March 05.


  • Yep... I realize that my response is a year late, but well done, Chris... Very nice intro to some of the performance measuring tools that are available in SQL Server.

    Just a couple of thoughts for everyone, though... having tools without knowing what to expect doesn't really do much...

    An example from work... 3 years ago, one of our developers identified a particular stored procedure as a very good candidate for optimization in light of large volumes of data.  She very successfully got that process down from 30 minutes to 6 minutes and change.  Yippee!!  Everyone was happy!  Having been recently hired into the company just for such optimizations, they asked me to optimize the same code without me having any knowledge of the recent optimization success of the developer.  I got the process down to a little over 4 SECONDS and used less resources to boot!

    Am I bragging?  Sure, a bit... who wouldn't?  But it points out a much larger problem... a lot of developers simply don't know what to expect for performance and, in light of such success as getting a 30 minute process down to 6 minutes, it's hard to convince folks that their perception of performance code needs a little work.  They just don't know and having the tools to measure performance without knowing what's actually possible is pretty meaningless.  That's where in-house training, mentorship, and performance standards come into play.

    Another problem, particullarly in the development phase of a project, is having data to test with.  One particular example that comes to mind is one of our developers was asked to write a "grouped running total" based on CustID.  Having no data to test against, he used the Northwind DB to test the wonderful correlated subquery he had just been introduced to... Heck, it didn't have a cursor in it so it must be fast, right?  His testing showed [him] that it was fast.  The code was promoted to production and immediately had performance problems on 1,000 rows... it was taking seconds instead of sub-seconds.  When it hit 10,000 rows, it took minutes to run.  Millions of rows were expected in the next couple of months.

    The problem turned out to be the triangular join (about half a cartesion join) he'd used in the correlated subquery.  A lack of data to test against was the killer here.

    There's a third, more insideous problem than not knowing what's possible or having enough data to test against.  That's TIME... going from 30 minutes to 6 minutes is considered "good enough, next problem please".  Managers hover over developers asking "are ya done yet?"  Managers and Project Managers, not having a good understanding of why it takes so long, will frequently estimate time for the development of a proc simply by how many blocks the functional diagram (if there is one) has in it.  And, of course, everybody, including the developer, wants things done as quickly as possible.  What you frequently end up with is code that works great provided there's no real volume of data to work against because the developer didn't take the time to gen test data (pretty easy, actually, if you know what you're doing) or didn't take the time to see if they could do better.  The first "good enough" is hardly ever good enough and managers just don't understand how much time is expended fixing performance problems down the road.  It's much cheaper to do it right the first time but you need time for that.

    Of course, the fourth and most important problem is the whole bloody relationship between management and developers... management wants the code to be done NOW and the developer likes the paycheck they're getting.  The developer knows that in the face of a tight schedule, they can write performance challenged code to "get the job done now" and that they'll be given more time later (really good for consultants) to fix the performance problems which, by the way, are percieved as a different set of problems by management.  Usually, neither management nor the developers are held accountable for the large expenditure of money and resources it takes to convert performance challenged, crap production code into something that isn't.  Again, that's where some performance standards and some volumetric data would come into play.

    Measure all you want... have your developers become very skilled at measuring the performance of their code.  But, if you don't also train them as to what is possible/expected and actually give them the time to write performance based code, then the performance measuring tools and their results are just so many pretty lights on a Christmas tree... in July.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • can you please specify why running these commands would not be good to run in a production environment?

  • Because they clear cache... not just for the proc running, but for everybody. Depending on what's being done, cache is very important for performance by repetative and other code.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Thanks for your reply, my issue is that I am having major performance issues from time to time the only thing that seems to fix it is running these commands, I think the problem could be parameter sniffing, how would I know for sure?

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