
  • Hi,

    Just want to throw this open.

    I started a new job recently, one of our SQL servers runs Sage. SQL 2k, 1 GB Ram. This server is soley for Sage, but the memory allocation within SQL is fixed 750MB. Now I don't see the point in why this was setup like this. I would assume that it would be more beneficial to set the memory to dynamic, with 750mb as the max, as the app will not be consistently using 750mb.

    What would be the pros and cons for both methods?



    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Generally you use dynamic allocation unless you've enabled AWE, which requires fixed. That's on a machine that runs SQL exclusively. If you're forced to share it with another app, then you'd have to experiment, but probably dynamic is still ok, just set reasonable min/max.


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