Memory Configuration of 64-bit SQL-2008 Instance with SQL-CLR enabled

  • In the near future I will be getting a new server with 32 GB of RAM, 64-bit O/S, on which I will be installing a single SQL db-engine instance, 64-bit SQL 2008 Enterprise Edition with SQL-CLR enabled.

    I wonder how I should configure the min/max buffer memory on the server, so that I leave enough MemToLeave memory for the CLR stuff to work properly.

    I have quite a few of CLR sprocs and UDFs doing REGEX and FileIO operations, and I want to make sure the SQL-CLR part has enough resources to function properly.

    How should I go about this? Any hints more than welcome.

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  • I'd probably set max memory to 28GB and see how it does. The file io CLR functions are the only things that concern me. If they pull large binaries into memory you might have issues otherwise I think you will be ok..


  • If this is a dedicate database server leave 4 GB for the OS System and 28GB to database server, please enable AWE setting and lock pages in memory rights to get better performance of use memory in 64 bits system.


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  • No need for AWE in 64-bit.

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