Memory not releasing in sql server 2000 sp3

  • Hi Gurus,

    At our production site we are running desktop edition.After 15 days of continous run we found that memory taken by sql server is quite high, it took almost 1GB even in off hours it is not releasing the memory. Of course reboot is needed but apart from that i read about memory leaks in sql server 2000 sp3 and the fix is sp3a.Pl. see the url for details -;EN-US;814410

    My question is can memory leaks can be one of the major reason of not releasing the memory.Pl. also tell me any known issue related to sp3a service pack ?



  • What you are noticing is by design. MS SQL Server is designed to grab as much memory as it needs. Then, because it needed it once, it might need it again so it holds on to it. Another thing is once a query is done, SQL Server maintains that information in memory so that a similar, subsequent query can perform quicker.

    I'm not sure how to do it in MSDE, but using Enterprise Manager you can set how much memory SQL Server is allowed to use.

    I'm sure there's a TSQL command for this also, but I'm not aware of it at this time. If I find it I'll post it.


  • Okay, I found it....

    refer to the Books OnLine for SP_CONFIGURE.

    some of the Memory Options are:

    min server memory

    max server memory


  • There was an article annoucing that memory leak is one og known bugs in SQL Server SP3. The article was published in SQL magazine web site


  • Thanks for the replies. I am upgrading my db sp3a to remove the possibility of memory leaks.Also i have kept memory management as dynamic, Sql server will manage memory automatically.



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