Memory Problems

  • We have a SQL Server 7.0 with OS Memory of 1024MB.

    We have been experiencing problems and one of the errors in the log which may be the problem is:

    I cant find any decent info on the error but did read somewhere that it might be down to the configuration parameters below. Do you see a problem with this setup?

    max server memory (MB) 4 2147483647 616 616

    max worker threads 10 1024 255 255

    min memory per query (KB) 512 2147483647 1024 1024

    min server memory (MB) 0 2147483647 230 230

    set working set size 0 1 1 1

    Thanks for your help.


  • Do not set set working set size if you are allowing SQL Server to use memory dynamically. Before setting set working set size to 1, set both min server memory and max server memory to the same value, the amount of memory you want SQL Server to use.

    What is the problm and the error messages?

  • consider /pxe

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