Merge replication newbie question

  • Hello all,

    I am trying to set up replication for the following scenario.  Four satellite offices send daily updates to a common database on the web.  At the end of the day, I'd then like to take the updated database on the web and re-distribute it overnite back to all the satellite offices, so that each satellite office, at the beginning of every day, starts out with the same updated database.

    With merge replication, I was able to have 2 of my 4 satellite offices complete a push merge to the web.  But I am getting stuck on how to get the updated web database back to the satellite offices.  If I try to use a transactional publication, it tells me it cannot drop the target table because it is being used for replication.

    Am I on the right track here, or is there something I'm completely missing?  I am still a newbie at this, so I'm not ashamed to admit there's a world of stuff I don't know about replication.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


  • If you have setup merge replication, it will automatically handle sending the changes to all the subscribers. You don't have to do anything but synchronize the subscribers.

    Incase you want to recreate the complete database you will have to use snapshot replication (But for daily update you should use ransactional or merge replication)

    Transactional - if publisher and subscribers are constantly/frequently connected

    Merge- If the subscriberand publisher remain disconnected for a significant time

  • Hi,

    It looks like Merge replication would suit you here. If your central database is the publisher you can have 4 subscribers. As each subscriber makes a change, it will be replicated to the publisher and then out to the other subscribers. If there is any loss in connection then the transactions are queued.

    HTH Graeme

  • Thank you thank you thank you Graeme.

    As Homer Simpson would say, "D'Oh!"  I had been making the satellite offices the publishers.  When I made the main web db the publisher, and made the satellite offices the subscribers, everything worked the way it should!


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