Merge Replication - Unable to reinstate article

  • I have Merge Replication set up between a Publisher and several Subscribing laptops where the Subscribers are not allowed to update a particular table (tblA).

    There was a need to add a trigger to tblA so I followed a tip I read on Microsoft Technet to set the Replinfo column of SysObjects from 128 to 0 - effectively taking the article in question out of the publication. I made my changes to the table schema and then reset Replinfo back to 128 for tblA. No problem !

    However, I now find that EM does not show my table to be part of the publication and yet when I try to re-add it I get a message saying that it already exists in the publication ??

    I would value any ideas on how I can get this publication back in shape - without compromising the data of the subscribers.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Sometimes the gui isn't always the most helpful. Try creating the scripts for merge replication by right clicking on the replication folder through enterprise manager.

    You may have to drop and add the articles and subscritptions for that specific table again with the scripts.

    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

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