Microsoft Certified Master

  • Just to answer a couple of questions that remain:

    I don't believe that the system enforces that you take the knowledge exam first. However, it is the cheaper of the two exams and much easier, so it would certainly make sense to do so. You can only achive the MCM certification after meeting all pre-requisites and passing both exams, so there is no benefit to taking the harder and more expensive exam first. This does mean that if you do not have both MCITP exams and you pass both MCM exams, you won't get the MCM certification until you also get both MCITP certifications.

    There is no time limit placed on you in regards to when you take the second exam. It will be up to you to schedule the seond exam when you are ready. That could be days, weeks, or even months.

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  • I'm with Gail 100%, full-on study is the only way through this.

    According to Microsoft's site, 60% pass the lab first time, with 80% passing the second time.

    The MCM page specifically states the Knowledge exam must be passed before the lab. You don't find out if you have passed for up to 30 days, and you then have to wait 14 days after receiving your score before you can schedule the lab. So forget taking both of them in a week. If you fail an exam you have to wait 90 days before re-attempting it.

    I am planning to study hard, upgrade my MCITP 2008 qualifications to 2011, and then take the MCM on 2011. However, anybody who holds MCM 2008 only needs to take the Knowledge exam to upgrade to MCM 2011.

    At present I'm a decent all rounder but have minimal clustering experience (even though I know how it works in theory). But I am miles off MCM status. Hopefully I'll take it next year.


  • mike.mcquillan (7/29/2011)

    According to Microsoft's site, 60% pass the lab first time, with 80% passing the second time.

    I suspect that was from back when the MCM was a 3 week training + exam program.

    However, anybody who holds MCM 2008 only needs to take the Knowledge exam to upgrade to MCM 2011.

    I've been told by several reliable sources that to upgrade you now have to rewrite both. (one of the sources was someone who works on the exams)

    At present I'm a decent all rounder but have minimal clustering experience (even though I know how it works in theory). But I am miles off MCM status. Hopefully I'll take it next year.

    The one for Denali is unlikely to be out next year, assuming Denali releases late this year/early next year.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • If you have to write both exams then there is effectively no upgrade path, although you are of course already armed with most of the knowledge required to pass the 2011 exams.

    Interesting that they have changed this.

    Based on the costs involved in taking these exams, I'm willing to wait for the Denali versions, even if that should be late on next year.


  • I'm verifying the accuracy of the upgrade information on the website.

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  • I just confirmed that currently, the upgrade is only the knowledge exam and does not include the lab exam.

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  • Thanks Robert.


  • Hi all,

    I've just got the information that i have finished the 88-970 successfully with the second try. So - if anyone is interested I want to share my experiences with my MCM roadmap with you 🙂

    I'm working with SQL Server since 1998 and most of my experiences with SQL Server is from the dev side.

    In October 2008 I've got a call whether I would work in a team in a bank in Frankfurt as a dba. Since this call I'm working as a freelancer for this bank for administrative jobs concerning SQL Server. My experiences with the developments with SQL Server did help me very much to improve the daily work but I had to learn really much about security and high availablity.

    I've decided to achieve the MCM SQL Server in September 2009 when a colleague told me that he has passed the MCTS. I searched for the roadmap and saw that MCM would be the cap of the certification.

    OK - I wanted to become a MCM.

    So I started with the exams to become a MCTP for database admnistration and database development

    The MCTP for SQL 2005 was earned on November 2009

    The MCTP for SQL Database Administration 2008 in November 2010

    The MCTP for SQL Database Developer was finished in February 2011

    All of the above certifications have been passed with the first try and - from my point of view - were not really sophisticated. I bet that everybody who's dailly business is SQL Server can pass these exams with the first try.

    OK - the base for my target was finished. What do I have to do for the preparation?

    First I downloaded all videos from SQLSkills.

    Allthough I knew much of the things the authors explained I was really horrified about the wide range of possibilities what SQL Server supports. For me the most interesting videos were the indexing and performance tuning videos from Kimberly Tripp. She's great and I like the way of demonstration.

    The second source for my studies was "SQL Server 2008 Internals" from Kalen Delaney.

    The third source (experiences) is the Microsoft Forum for SQL Server.

    I tried to answer as much as possible of the questions because ... - it is daily business.

    As more you get into the deep of sql internals by investigating the problem analysis of the requestors you get more familiar with SQL Server and detect many new things within SQL 🙂

    I've got my first try in Oktober 2011 and registered in Berlin (Germany) for the exam 80-970.

    Unfortunately in Germany we have only Berlin as certified test center and I had to arrive by train from Frankfurt (app. 3.5 hrs).

    First of all I had to identify myself and all private issues (clock, bag, keys) have to be dropped into a locker.

    Than - after taken finger prints - I have been guided into the test room.

    I've got 3,5 hrs for the test and - allthough I thought, I knew much - the questions were really hard.

    I failed with 672 pts

    I registered again for January 2012 and since yesterday I know I've passed the exam.

    Now I'm preparing for 88-971. The exam will be taken in April 2012.

    I keep you informed when the test has been done.

    Best, Uwe Ricken

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    MVP - Data Platform (2013 - ...)
    my blog: (german only!)

  • All the best Uwe, keep going.


  • Congrats Uwe! And thanks for sharing your story!

    Would you be okay if I reposted your story on The Master Blog so more people can benefit from it?

    The Master Blog is here:

    You may also be interested in our remote delivery option.

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  • Congrats Uwe

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Hallo all,

    Thank you for the congrats.

    Robert, yes you can Post it. It would be a pleasure for me to share my experiences with more interested People.

    Tank you for your offer...

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    MVP - Data Platform (2013 - ...)
    my blog: (german only!)

  • Thanks Uwe! It has been posted:

    My blog: SQL Soldier[/url]
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  • Hi Uwe

    Congratulations on passing the 80-970, and thanks for letting us know how you prepared for it.

    I'm waiting for the 2012 Master certification before I attempt it sometime in 2013. I've passed all six SQL Server 2008 MCTS/MCITP exams, and am currently working on the .NET exams before returning to SQL Server.

    Good luck with the practical exam, I hope all goes well!



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