Microsoft SQL Server Utilities and Tools

  • Byzza - Sunday, June 25, 2017 4:42 PM

    What about DB Ghost (

    Thanks, added:

  • kast218 - Sunday, June 25, 2017 2:35 PM

    Solomon Rutzky - Sunday, June 25, 2017 9:14 AM

    Great job putting this list together. It's a bit more detailed than other similar lists I have seen. Can you please add SQL# ( ) to your list? Sorry, I don't have time right now to edit it myself and do a pull request. Thanks 🙂

    And the other info available at your sqlserver-kit site is quite handy. The only issue I see is that you have some actual code copied up there that should either be attributed with the author's name and/or the source URL, or removed entirely. The following repository folder has examples of both:

    • The two string split scripts: one looks like it came from the forum related to Jeff Moden's Tally Oh 8k splitter article (here on SQL Server Central), and the other maybe perhaps came from Adam Machanic?
    • The two SQLsharp (i.e. SQL#) scripts should not be there. Please remove them. Don't get me wrong, I certainly appreciate that you like and support SQL#, but it would be even more supportive (and more appropriate) to simply add SQL# to the list of SQL Server Utilities and Tools. Yes, that version of SQL# is free, but you don't have rights to distribute it any more than you are allowed to distribute (by itself) SQL Server Express Edition (which is also free).

    Thanks and take care, Solomon..

    Solomon, thanks for your detailed post and your patience. Your scripts removed:

    I am very sorry that I did not properly understand the EULA.

    Great thanks for your free scripts, its link maintained in main README file in Web Resource -> Other section (second link after sp_whoisactive).

    Yer welcome, and thank you for your quick attention in fixing that. It can be difficult figuring out how to best capture information that you want to share as sometimes other sites are down (or gone) so simply posting links doesn't always help. But I think it might work best to treat individual scripts found in blog posts, articles, and forums differently than official products and large-scale projects, especially if they have their own dedicated website. The issue one runs into with official products and large-scale projects is that the copied code is both permanently available to all in the history, and it is available in all forks of the repository (e.g. ). So, copyright and licensing issues aside, there are now lots of copies of really outdated software floating around. And this isn't just an issue for me / SQL# ; I would suspect that even in cases where the license language seems to allow you to distribute something in this non-embedded manner, the creator would still prefer that you direct people to the main site so that the user is guaranteed to get the most recent version. For example, Ola Hallengren's "SQL Server Maintenance Solution" is fully copied in your repository (and all forks of it!) here:, yet it is an actively maintained project that would ideally be downloaded only from the official website: . I think your page for Ola's scripts is quite valuable with just the description and link to Ola's website, and I'm not sure that anything is truly gained by having potentially stale code copied there. Now, if Ola's site disappears permanently for some reason, then I can see value in posting those scripts as they would never be outdated (assuming you had downloaded the most recent version prior to that site going away).

    To be clear, I am not speaking for anyone else here (not even Ola, that was just an obvious example). I am just offering a perspective to think about.

    Thanks and take care,

    P.S. The company name is now "Sql Quantum Lift". I had to change it from "Sql Quantum Leap" due to trademarking difficulties ("Quantum Leap" and some variations thereof were already taken). That shows up on the main page ( ) and the CLR page ( ). Also, the link on the main page under the "Repo Folders and Files" section is still pointing to the now removed setup file. It can be updated to point to:  Thanks in advance for taking care of this. In the future I will post and suggestions / comments as issues or pull requests, but I was already writing something here 😉

    SQL# ( SQLCLR library ofover 340 Functions and Procedures)
    Sql Quantum Lift ( company )
    Sql Quantum Leap ( blog )
    Info sitesCollations     •     Module Signing     •     SQLCLR

  • How do I get a product added to the list:

    Job Manager:  SQLAutomate
    Free Edition: No
    Pricing starts at $99 with Lite Edition
    Editions: Lite, Standard and Enterprise
    All work with all Editions of SQL Server including Express.
    Company:  OnLine ToolWorks Corporation
    Let me know what other details you need.


  • Solomon Rutzky - Wednesday, June 28, 2017 11:27 AM

    kast218 - Sunday, June 25, 2017 2:35 PM

    Solomon Rutzky - Sunday, June 25, 2017 9:14 AM

    Great job putting this list together. It's a bit more detailed than other similar lists I have seen. Can you please add SQL# ( ) to your list? Sorry, I don't have time right now to edit it myself and do a pull request. Thanks 🙂

    And the other info available at your sqlserver-kit site is quite handy. The only issue I see is that you have some actual code copied up there that should either be attributed with the author's name and/or the source URL, or removed entirely. The following repository folder has examples of both:

    • The two string split scripts: one looks like it came from the forum related to Jeff Moden's Tally Oh 8k splitter article (here on SQL Server Central), and the other maybe perhaps came from Adam Machanic?
    • The two SQLsharp (i.e. SQL#) scripts should not be there. Please remove them. Don't get me wrong, I certainly appreciate that you like and support SQL#, but it would be even more supportive (and more appropriate) to simply add SQL# to the list of SQL Server Utilities and Tools. Yes, that version of SQL# is free, but you don't have rights to distribute it any more than you are allowed to distribute (by itself) SQL Server Express Edition (which is also free).

    Thanks and take care, Solomon..

    Solomon, thanks for your detailed post and your patience. Your scripts removed:

    I am very sorry that I did not properly understand the EULA.

    Great thanks for your free scripts, its link maintained in main README file in Web Resource -> Other section (second link after sp_whoisactive).

    Yer welcome, and thank you for your quick attention in fixing that. It can be difficult figuring out how to best capture information that you want to share as sometimes other sites are down (or gone) so simply posting links doesn't always help. But I think it might work best to treat individual scripts found in blog posts, articles, and forums differently than official products and large-scale projects, especially if they have their own dedicated website. The issue one runs into with official products and large-scale projects is that the copied code is both permanently available to all in the history, and it is available in all forks of the repository (e.g. ). So, copyright and licensing issues aside, there are now lots of copies of really outdated software floating around. And this isn't just an issue for me / SQL# ; I would suspect that even in cases where the license language seems to allow you to distribute something in this non-embedded manner, the creator would still prefer that you direct people to the main site so that the user is guaranteed to get the most recent version. For example, Ola Hallengren's "SQL Server Maintenance Solution" is fully copied in your repository (and all forks of it!) here:, yet it is an actively maintained project that would ideally be downloaded only from the official website: . I think your page for Ola's scripts is quite valuable with just the description and link to Ola's website, and I'm not sure that anything is truly gained by having potentially stale code copied there. Now, if Ola's site disappears permanently for some reason, then I can see value in posting those scripts as they would never be outdated (assuming you had downloaded the most recent version prior to that site going away).

    To be clear, I am not speaking for anyone else here (not even Ola, that was just an obvious example). I am just offering a perspective to think about.

    Thanks and take care,

    P.S. The company name is now "Sql Quantum Lift". I had to change it from "Sql Quantum Leap" due to trademarking difficulties ("Quantum Leap" and some variations thereof were already taken). That shows up on the main page ( ) and the CLR page ( ). Also, the link on the main page under the "Repo Folders and Files" section is still pointing to the now removed setup file. It can be updated to point to:  Thanks in advance for taking care of this. In the future I will post and suggestions / comments as issues or pull requests, but I was already writing something here 😉

    Solomon, awesome answer, great thanks for it. I took note of your advice and will try in the future to be more attentive to EULA.

    Also i renamed your company name and fix broken links:

    About Ola solution: now its hosted on github!

  • Jeff Braunstein-302643 - Wednesday, June 28, 2017 12:30 PM

    How do I get a product added to the list:

    Job Manager:  SQLAutomate
    Free Edition: No
    Pricing starts at $99 with Lite Edition
    Editions: Lite, Standard and Enterprise
    All work with all Editions of SQL Server including Express.
    Company:  OnLine ToolWorks Corporation
    Let me know what other details you need.


    Added:, thansk for suggestion.

    Could you provide some extra info? Latest release date, SQL Server support versions (2008? 2012? 2014? 2016? 2017? Azure? Amazon AWS?).
    Article here I will update once a month.

  • kast218 - Thursday, June 29, 2017 1:00 AM

    Jeff Braunstein-302643 - Wednesday, June 28, 2017 12:30 PM

    How do I get a product added to the list:

    Job Manager:  SQLAutomate
    Free Edition: No
    Pricing starts at $99 with Lite Edition
    Editions: Lite, Standard and Enterprise
    All work with all Editions of SQL Server including Express.
    Company:  OnLine ToolWorks Corporation
    Let me know what other details you need.


    Added:, thansk for suggestion.

    Could you provide some extra info? Latest release date, SQL Server support versions (2008? 2012? 2014? 2016? 2017? Azure? Amazon AWS?).  Supports other database platforms such as Oracle, DB2, MySQL
    Article here I will update once a month.

    Latest release is V2.0.0.31 dated 6/19/2017, supports SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, Azure and Amazon AWS.  

    Let me know if you need anything else.


  • YourSqlDba: There is a free maintenance tool that is described in the readme portion of this page at his adress.

    It covers the five basic maintenance requirements : Update statistics, Index maintenance, Integrity check, database backups (full and logs) and some server log shrink.

    The stength of this solution is that it is entirely based on SQL, and that database management selection is based on multiple wildcard filters. You can then filter in/ filter out wanted and unwanted database for maintenance.  This automatically includes or exclude new databases.

    The script that deploys it is located at:
    This script create a small database YourSqlDba that contains all the sql code needed to run the maintenance.

    The documentation is maintained up-to-date and can be found at:!Au3EQ1QlhcMStyhzaj33LkcvNzcw

    Once the script is deployed, another stored procedure Install.InitialSetupOfYourSQLDbaneeds to be run once to create SQL Agent jobs, and configure database mail for maintenance reporting.  There is a link in the quick start page of the documentation.

    Maintenance is done through a single entry point (a main stored procedure).

    This solution is used by most schoolboards in Quebec to manage their SQL Servers (data sizes around 1GB to 1TB).  Its received a SQL Server Magazine innovator award in SQL2008 and has considerably evolved since.  

    There is a lot of goodies (maintenance stored procedures) that can also help. Few examples are: doing ad-hoc backup, gain exclusive access for database maintenance, setup standbyserver. It also helps a lot in migrating SQL Server through the standby server feature, by reducing maintenance window for migration to a few minutes.

  • kast218 - Monday, June 26, 2017 3:06 PM

    SQLRockstar - Sunday, June 25, 2017 1:06 PM

    Your information about SolarWinds Database Performance Advisor appears to be incorrect. For example, we are cross-platform, supporting many different databases (Oracle, Amazon RDS, MySQL, DB2, the artist formerly known as Sybase, etc.). And there is a free version of DPA. And SolarWinds has other tools for SQL Server, too, that should be on this list. Not sure how you compiled this list but given the length, I can certainly understand how some details might have been missed.

    Hi, Thomas. First of all thank you very much for your blog - very useful and interesting articles, write more please). Also thanks for your reply - I updated info on Github about SolarWinds products ( If you find some mistakes or new tools be free to post here or open pull request on Github.

    I trying to download trial version from Solarwinds site (guys, why are you ask me about my phone number? I don't want that anyone call to me, please make this field optional) but no letter with download link or anything happened. Could you provide some killer and unique feature of your product?

    Sounds good, thanks. I'll see about getting the info updated on Git, and I'll check up on the use of the phone number for the free download.


  • Maurice Pelchat - Thursday, June 29, 2017 1:17 PM

    YourSqlDba: There is a free maintenance tool that is described in the readme portion of this page at his adress.

    It covers the five basic maintenance requirements : Update statistics, Index maintenance, Integrity check, database backups (full and logs) and some server log shrink.

    The stength of this solution is that it is entirely based on SQL, and that database management selection is based on multiple wildcard filters. You can then filter in/ filter out wanted and unwanted database for maintenance.  This automatically includes or exclude new databases.

    The script that deploys it is located at:
    This script create a small database YourSqlDba that contains all the sql code needed to run the maintenance.

    The documentation is maintained up-to-date and can be found at:!Au3EQ1QlhcMStyhzaj33LkcvNzcw

    Once the script is deployed, another stored procedure Install.InitialSetupOfYourSQLDbaneeds to be run once to create SQL Agent jobs, and configure database mail for maintenance reporting.  There is a link in the quick start page of the documentation.

    Maintenance is done through a single entry point (a main stored procedure).

    This solution is used by most schoolboards in Quebec to manage their SQL Servers (data sizes around 1GB to 1TB).  Its received a SQL Server Magazine innovator award in SQL2008 and has considerably evolved since.  

    There is a lot of goodies (maintenance stored procedures) that can also help. Few examples are: doing ad-hoc backup, gain exclusive access for database maintenance, setup standbyserver. It also helps a lot in migrating SQL Server through the standby server feature, by reducing maintenance window for migration to a few minutes.

    Hi, Maurice. Thanks for your link, I added it to main file in Open Source Project section ( Could your add some extra info about your script (its very complicated and long)?

  • I've decided to try to put up a wiki on Github. I may move it if it is too hard to create and maintain pages.

    I put up 3 pages so far:'s-Free-eBooks

    suggestions welcome

    412-977-3526 call/text

  • robert.sterbal 56890 - Thursday, July 20, 2017 7:54 AM

    I've decided to try to put up a wiki on Github. I may move it if it is too hard to create and maintain pages.

    I put up 3 pages so far:'s-Free-eBooks

    suggestions welcome

    So, are you "ktaranov"?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff Moden - Thursday, July 20, 2017 12:16 PM

    robert.sterbal 56890 - Thursday, July 20, 2017 7:54 AM

    I've decided to try to put up a wiki on Github. I may move it if it is too hard to create and maintain pages.

    I put up 3 pages so far:'s-Free-eBooks

    suggestions welcome

    So, are you "ktaranov"?

    No. He has figured out how to use Github to compile resources and I thought having multiple views at the same place would be helpful.

    412-977-3526 call/text

  • I'm looking for the

    Is there an easy way to search Github?

    412-977-3526 call/text

  • robert.sterbal 56890 - Monday, July 31, 2017 12:45 PM

    I'm looking for the

    Is there an easy way to search Github?

    Strange question, on Github just type in search field dbatools - all repo name are unique.

  • kast218 - Tuesday, August 1, 2017 7:54 AM

    robert.sterbal 56890 - Monday, July 31, 2017 12:45 PM

    I'm looking for the

    Is there an easy way to search Github?

    Strange question, on Github just type in search field dbatools - all repo name are unique.

    I'm trying to see how it fits into your project that documents tools.

    The wiki that comes with your github project: will be used to reformat the into individual pages.

    I can do that elsewhere if you prefer.

    412-977-3526 call/text

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 74 total)

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