migrate maintenance plans from one server to another

  • Hi all,

    I have been reading for a while on how to transfer maintenance plans created on one sql server 2008 to another server sql server 2008 residing on a different machine. I have not found an easy way to do this.

    I was wondering if anyone can give me a hint on how to deal with this.

    Thanks indeed for your help



  • Yes you can copy/Export Maintenance plans across SQL Servers.

    Maintenance Plans are SSIS Packages.

    Connect to Server->Integration Services.

    goto MSDB-> under MSDB there should be a folder named Maintenance plans.

    Expand the Folder.. and click any of the plans and you can export it another server or store it as a file. etc....

    Let me know if this helps...

  • Thanks for your help. The maintenance plan did transfer and somehow the sql Agent jobs too. However, I start a job, it failed. I am not aware of what to change or edit so that the jobs work on the destination server. The two servers have the same directory structure and both are named instances with the same name.

    How to go further?

    I appreciate


  • Named instances with the same instance name but different servernames.. correct?

    Check the job properties and check the owner.. give a valid account.. like a SA or the saem account the SQL Agent service is using...

  • Hi,

    The job owners are the same in fact. I found out that in the destination server, the job schedules were not exported. All schedules of all jobs on the destination server are empty.

    How to work around?



  • But, when you right click and start the job, does it work or throws error..

  • It does start but fails to succeed.

  • will you be able to post the error message..

  • Thanks, but the DB server is off-line and hence difficult to send out information from there. What I see, however, are the following error codes:



    BUT if the schedules were not exported to the destination server, there must have been already a problem during transfer??


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