migrating nvarchar data

  • Hi folks,

    I have a database that has some foriegn characters in it in the nvarchar fields (maybe arabic).

    Taking a restore of the database and putting it on a different server makes these characters turn into junk.

    How can I move these tables with these character and maintain the format?

  • Are the collations the same?

    Hope this helps,


  • database collations are the same

  • How are you viewing the characters via Managment Studio?

    Is this a straight query as in select * from...

    What about the local server or workstation environment settings, are these always the same?


    Nothing in life is ever so complicated that with a little work it can't be made more complicated.

  • no server settings are not the same.Install files for East Asian Languages is installed on the server that is showing the data - I am just trying to confirm that is all I need to do as I think the language that I can't see is Korean not arabic.

    I have bcped the table across.

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