Migrating Oracle corrupted tables

  • Hi Guru,

    We have an old Oracle 8.1.7 version sitting on WIN2003 server but it's a staging server. We're planning to migrate this staging Oracle database to SQL Server 2000 platform. However, my app manager informed me that we had some corrupted tables in this Oracle database and I'm looking some help how to approach this issue.

    1.) Is that possible to DTS these corrupted tables to SQL2000 and repair them in SQL platform?

    2.) Should I consider bring an Oracle Consultant to help me before migrating these objects to Oracle?

    3.) If I wanted to ahead migrate these tables to SQL2000, will I take any risk?

    Again, this is a staging database, we keep it for only reporting purposes and I don't want to waste money on paying Oracle dude for this tasks.

    Please help,



  • Silaphet:

            I have used the functionality available in DTS to do a lot of data cleanup during a migration, such as trimming spaces, case conversion, etc. We did have to wrtie some scripts to clean up some of our numbers formatting, especially bogus dates of birth and social security numbers. Also dashes and apostophes in names was a challenge. We are currenlty doing a pre-scrubbing of our data in an old database that is being readied for conversion. That gives everyone a chance ot review the cleanup prior to the migration.

    Good luck,




  • Hi,


    For currepted table tranfer the Table Design and data to text file and then use DTS for ETL Process.



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