
  • Hi All,

    We are in a process of DC migration. We are planning to have a SAN level copy of all the DBs and then move that SAN to Target DC.

    I am in doubt that when SAN team will perform the copy of data, do we need to have a outage or down time for Databases for consistent data. Or just base line snap mirror will work and we will be able to bring up the databases at target databases.


    Source DC SAN --> Copy --> Temp SAN --> Move SAN to Target --> Target DC SAN (Bring Up the DB)

    Here when we are doing copy to temp SAN do we need to bring down the database ?

    Any help will be valuable for me.

    Let me know if more details are needed.

    Thanks a lot!

    Chandra Mouli

  • I would prefer to bring down the databases before the movement and also make sure to have system as well as user database backup.


    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

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