Migration plan SQL2k to SQL2K5

  • Hi,

    Anyone has a migration plan, it means, the order the things that we must check before, during and after the migration process of a database.

    Thank you in advance


  • I think, the "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Upgrade Advisor", which comes with the installation dvd is a good start.


    _/_/_/ paramind _/_/_/

  • Check out the upgrade-advisor !


    It will check your current db, .. and highlite some issues (if found )



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  • Horses for courses in my opinion. There are many things to take into account ranging from are you migrating an OLTP system or a datawarehouse for OLAP purposes? How mature and complex is your current system? What issues does the upgrade advisor throw up? Could your current set up cope with running duel systems for a period of time (to ensure the new system works)? Can you afford new hardware? How much time will you realistically have to train, investigate, upgrade, test and rework?


    Microsoft explain the routs you can take on their website but only you can decide which is best for your company. Deciding which route to take isn’t an easy decision and in some cases be decided for you (eg. Your budget cant afford a new set up so your forced to the side by side route). If you have a good grasp of your database (tables , security, DTS packages etc), it’s size and complexity and an upgrade advisor report then your options, hopefully, should become clearer.


    Hope this helps.

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