mirrored DB backup help please

  • Good morning

    I have a databases at 1.15TB but the Log file is 184GB. So i need space for 966GB

    1MDF file and 28 NDF files.

    I have to backup using a SQL script but i want to split the load of the backups over a few drives. I have one drive which is 560GB free, 310GB and one at 120GB

    with 28ndf files. i want to specifically say which nfd files go one to which drive. I need to backup the database

    The script i am using is. Taken out names for security purposes. Its a Mirrored databases Asynchronous. So need sot be Copy only.

    BACKUP DATABASE DB TO DISK ='L:\Backup\\_1.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\3.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\4.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\5.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\6.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\7.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\8.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\9.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\10.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\11.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\12.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\13.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\14.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\15.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\16.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\17.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\18.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\19.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\20.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\21.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\22.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\23.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\24.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\25.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\26.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\27.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\28.bak'

    , DISK ='L:\Backup\\29.bak'


    STATS = 1

    many thanks

  • I have found a way through the guid

    Backup component. i can specify which files to get backed up. Then i specify which location in the Destination field.

    If any one has a TSQL version i would be grateful too

    many thanks


  • Please don't post multiple questions for the same problem.

    No replies here. Replies to http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic1772009-24-1.aspx

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • This is not working. 🙁

    can someone suggest another way please..

    i have tried this too

    B. Creating a full file backup of the secondary filegroups

    The following example creates a full file backup of every file in both of the secondary filegroups.

    --Back up the files in SalesGroup1.


    FILEGROUP = 'SalesGroup1',

    FILEGROUP = 'SalesGroup2'

    TO DISK = 'C:\MySQLServer\Backups\Sales\SalesFiles.bck'


  • seanthomas2010 (3/24/2016)

    This is not working. 🙁

    You mean you don't like my answers in the other thread?

    Please stick to a single thread, otherwise people end up wasting their time (and your time) offering suggestions that have already been made.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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