Missing SQL Performance counters from perfmon

  • I was wondering if anyone has came across this porblem before, when i go into perfmon on our Windows 2008 server which hosts a SQL Server 2005 default instance alot of the SQLServer performance counter groups are missing such as SQL Server:memory manager.

    Anyone know either how to fix this or where they might be hiding in this version of the OS.

    It is SQL Server 2005 standard edition SP3 64Bit just incase you need that info.

    Thanks in advance.

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012

  • I have SQL Server 2008 running on my machine. From perfmon I click on Performance Monitor. From that window I click on the fat green plus sign. In that display is a window on the left. Scroll down, SQLServer:Memory Manger is between SQLServer:Locks & SQLSERVER:Plan Cache.

  • Thanks I had a look none of the SQL Server Counters are there. I have been googling and it appears that its a fairly common problem on Windows 2008, just havn't had time to go through the guides to fix it yet.

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012

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