MMC.EXE Entry point not found ....Enterprise Manager failing on XP client

  • What build of SQL 2000 SP4 needs to be installed ? I have a Windows XP Professional SP2 computer. There is something called MSDE. I am confused.

  • Wow guys. Thanx a million. I installed the DTS component for Sql 2005 and was horrified to discover it broke my Sql 2000. There should definately be a warning about that. But thanx to this forum - everything up and working again.:D

  • I just went around and around with this issue as well. Thanks :w00t:. Installing the SQL Server Service pack 3 did the trick.

    Before I found this thread I uninstalled and reinstalled for two days straight but never uninstall DTS 2005. Needless to say :angry: I kept coming back to the same error.

  • Thanks to everyone for their help. Yes, installing SP4 solved the problem for me. But not until a painful day of a wild goose chase. Why? Because I thought I had installed the service pack but actually hadn't...

    Please forgive me - I'm a novice at SQL Server 2000. I don't mind getting laughed at for this as long as it'll help others from going through the same aggravation. OK, I downloaded SQL Server 2000 SP4 and double-clicked it which I thought ran the patch. I thought WRONG...

    So of course my problem with EM didn't go away which made me run in circles looking for other solutions. I noticed that a lot of others on other forums said that running the patch didn't help them either. So I thought I was in good company. But then again, I noticed that a lot of others kept insisting that applying SP4 worked...

    So I kept digging and eventually looked in the folder 'C:\SQL2KSP4'. I saw the setup batch file - I think I slapped my forehead and double-clicked it...

    Yup, that's what actually ran the patch. The download from MS just creates the 'C:\SQL2KSP4' folder which has all the files to install the patch - so you have to run the setup batch file in there to actually run the patch.

    I then wondered how many people who out there who said they ran SP4 but it didn't work made the same mistake I did. If this sounds like you, try this and this may hopefully do the trick.

    Hope this helps a lot of people. That was one of those self-inflicted "problems" that really made me want to go to the top of my building and do a swan-dive after I found out what a bone-headed mistake I'd made...

  • dso808 (9/10/2010)

    Thanks to everyone for their help. Yes, installing SP4 solved the problem for me. But not until a painful day of a wild goose chase. Why? Because I thought I had installed the service pack but actually hadn't...

    I am glad I found your post about this, because I was one of those people who thought they had installed SP4 but had not. I did think it a bit odd that after the "install" I didn't really see any of the usual install feedback or dialogue, so I was a little suspicious, but I wasn't really sure what else to do. Thanks for going over the steps explaining how to do the actual install. When I did that, my problem went away.

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